Syno schoutedeni, with multipunctatus?

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Syno schoutedeni, with multipunctatus?

Post by wayneminot »

Hello I have six synodontis multipunctatus babies about 1.5 inches long and I just today bought 2 synodontis schoutedeni(sp?) and I was wondering if you guys think it would be safe to put them together or if they are too territorial? I currently have them separated but I would like to put them together if they won't tear each other up. Anyone else keep schoutedeni's? so far I really like them I would have bought more but there were only two left. I'm starting to get overrun by synos!! :shock: Thanks guys.
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Post by wayneminot »

P.S. the schoutedenis are around 3 inches long maybe a little smaller.
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Post by Silurus »

They have differing optimum water requirements, but they won't tear each other up if put in the same tank.
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Post by corybreed »

S. multipunctatus is found in hard alkaline water. S. schoutedeni is found in soft water with a pH of less than 7. If you make slow adjustments to the pH they should coexist together although they are from completely different habitats.

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Post by wayneminot »

I was under the impression schoutedeni needed water around 7.0-7.5? The store I bought them at had them in with african cichlids with a ph of 8.5!!! I have both of them in straight tap from my house that is at 7.5 which I thought was a little soft for the multipuncs but still ok and just about right for the schoutedenis. I guess I was wrong thanks for the heads up. The article for the september cotm says anywhere in the range of 6.0-7.6. So I thought was I doing ok with 7.5. I'm going to be moving the multipunctatus into a cichlid rift lake tank with a ph around 8.2 in about two months but they are still really small and I didn't want to put them in big cichlids yet. Thanks guys ~wayne
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