sexying L204

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sexying L204

Post by Pandadosmares »

Im having some doubts in sexing my fish can some one help?

Does both sexs have the anal fin with the long tail?

im using the reference in the book of the Aq.... the most beautifull L


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Post by Steen »

I guess you have to be patient and wait for your fish to grow to a bigger size. This is one of my L204 and i think it's a male. Check the cheeks

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Post by kkorotev »

The "secret" to identifying the L204, as I undertand it, is to look for a hairbrush like appearance from mid-section back to the tail. This will not appear on sexually immature fish and you may think you have a tank full of females...or at least that's what happened to me:
I isolated a male and two females and gave them a one month dry season. During that time, the male stayed in his cave continously. The 2 females fought and chased each other regularly (3 months ago I lost fish to this activity...."swim-by stabbings" with the pectoral fins. Corpses had puncture wounds!)
One day, while all was quiet, I noticed that the 2 females had become decidely male looking. The hairbrush appearance seems to have "stuck" to all three fish now.

Did the females (which were never females to begin with) COME OF AGE during the dry season?
I don't know. I'd love to hear some opinions. Actually I'd love to hear from someone who's vented both sexes of the L204.

Kevin Korotev

BTW: These fish I've mentioned were over 4 years old. I do not believe the fish PANDADOSMARES posted are old enough to reliably sex.
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Post by Pandadosmares »

Thank you all

they are pretty young yet, but as i said, i was following Ulrich Glaser descryption on how to identify both sex on pekoltias and panaqolus who said that can be done at a size of 4 cm, the ones i have long pass the mark of 4
The problem is now im not so sure of what they are.

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Post by kkorotev »

Do you know if Ulrich Glaser's work is available in English?
I'd like to see what he has to say.
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Post by Pandadosmares »

He is the one who writes for Aqualog
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Post by kkorotev »


Where could I find specifically what you read, in English?
Is there a website or a specific AQUALOG NEWS issue I need to acquire?

I want to read the same info you did....WE MAY ALL want to?!
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Post by Shane »

You will find a review and photo of the book in question in the "Books" section at the top of the screen.
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Post by kkorotev »

Thanks, Shane, it's nice to hear from you!

I kind of feel like I'm on a scavenger hunt here, but I think I understand now that Pandadosmares read some text by Glaser on sexing Loricaridae in the "The Most Beautiful L-Numbers" AQUALOG?
(I truly didn't understand that part)
I have the first soft cover "All L-Numbers" and the new Hardcover and Glaser isn't an author for either one...oh well, never mind, I've made a MUCH BIGGER DEAL of this than it warrants.

My apologies to those who've read this looking for real info!

Am I supposed to use the red face Emoticon now?

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Post by Pandadosmares »

Yes thats right he says, in panaqolus and peckoltias the base of the caudal fin in the male is thinner
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Post by Yann »


Sincerely I wouldn't base my sexing identification on what was written in the book "The most beautiful L-number"... some stuffs written in there are so...( I have no idea what word to use to express my true feeling toward this)... certainly one of my worst book purchase, hopefully it wasn't so expensive...

Anyway... L204 isn't sexable until he is at least 10cm/4in long...

Yours certainly look to small to be sex by now...

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Post by Pandadosmares »

One question does males and females get the same pointy caudal fins?
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Post by Steen »

Sorry to show my L204 again but on this pic. you can se the spines/hairs, mentioned earlyer by Kevin, on the back of the fish.
Just delete the pic's if to spacy..
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Post by vegeta »

Why do we put so much time and effort into trying to determine the sex of these catfish!
I don't think i have ever heard of a reported spawing of a panaqolus species YET.
Sorry to put a downer on the subject.:oops:
Has anyone had any luck or read this on the web anywhere?

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Post by Pandadosmares »

Why do we put so much time and effort into trying to determine the sex of these catfish!
I don't think i have ever heard of a reported spawing of a panaqolus species YET.
Sorry to put a downer on the subject.
Has anyone had any luck or read this on the web anywhere?
Sorry to know you think that way probably its best for you to go and play whit "lego" instead of trying to breed catfish. :evil:

Whats the point of of doing anyting then :?: :?: :?:

If you search the forum theres been succesfull reports of breeding L204, but not much info about what to do. :idea:

If you don't try you will never be able to..... :twisted:
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Post by Yann »


Please lets keep up this topic convivial...

Vegeta: we all know it hasn't been bred yet... doesn't mean that it won't happen... hopefully some people will succeed and why not Pandadosmares...

Pandadosmares: doesn't need to answer such respond... I usually prefer to ignor it...

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Post by Pandadosmares »

Sorry about that but :oops:
There's one doubt in my mind does both males and females have the same shaped caudal fins?
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Post by kkorotev »

Yes, both sexes get the caudal fin extensions but only the male develops the "hairbrush" with maturity. I have now had, killed, or currently house a total of 12 of these fish of sexable age and am only now hesitatingly sure I have one female. Recently, I thought I had only one male!

I have set them up with multiple caves in both vertical and horizontal positions and will begin a one month dry season this weekend...and see who gets fiesty and who gets friendly.
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Post by Pandadosmares »

I have 6 of them 3 about 13 cm, 2 between 10 and 1 about 8 cm

Got probably 3 females (2 are certain, now :D ) 1 is growing

Wil start preparing things for them in the weekend

please keep us informed.

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Post by kwalker »

am i mistaking, but i believe Larry Vires has these spawning now. i could be wrong but i thought i saw him talking about it in aquabid chat. i'll try to find out and pass the information along.

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Post by blazespecv »

I do have 3 adults atm, easily 4-5"+, want me to post pics so someone can point out the differences? I am horrible myself at sexing these, so would not know where to start.
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