Cats from FAST rivers.

All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from Asia.
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Cats from FAST rivers.

Post by wayneminot »

Ok they don't have to be asian but since my other fish are asian I thought I'd post it here. I'm setting up a 20gallon long tank that I'm going to be putting my five Beaufortia hillstream loaches in. I want to put some catfish that can take the current from a river tank setup and won't bother my hillstreams. Any ideas? Thanks
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Post by Silurus »

If you want to stick with Asians, you can try erethistids like Hara. Otherwise, bulldog plecos (Chaetostoma) will do fine.
Heck, you can even put madtoms (Noturus) in there.
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Post by wayneminot »

Well the chaestoma I'm afraid wil not let my hillstreams get enough food. The madtoms are a great idea though! .....if I can find some. I'll look into the hara you suggested. I don't really know much about them but I'll find out! THanks silurus!
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Post by sidguppy »

you might run into Gagata, they too are hillstream cats and they love a good current.

unfortunately they're quite fraile and raily for sale; if you see them, buy as many as you can afford; they're shoalers and singles, duos or trios pine and die.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

(Daily Mash headline)
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