What M/F ratio should you have with C. Elegans?

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What M/F ratio should you have with C. Elegans?

Post by thegirlundertherainbow »

I have a 125 gal very peaceful community (planted) with 9 C. Trilineatus (among other fish) and started with 3 C. Elegans (that was all LFS had), a male and 2 females..now they have a tankfull that's been there for a few weeks..but I waited too long..and all I THINK they have are females. SO I got 3 more females.. should I hold out and wait till they get more males..and get one..or is this a good ratio?
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Post by corybreed »

If I understand you have 1 male and 5 female elegans. The best ratio would be 2 males to 1 female, however if you pick up a few more males it would suffice.

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Post by Yann »


Basically when you are intending to breed a Cory the best sex ratio to have is a female for 2 males... still depending on the species and especially with the Scleromystax and the longnose Cory a pair will do better!

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