Will my Bristlenose pair spawn again?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Allen Myers
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Will my Bristlenose pair spawn again?

Post by Allen Myers »

Hello. Just wondering if my Bristlenose pair will spawn again with one week free-swimming bristlenose babies in the tank? There are about 25 babies in the tank that are growing really fast. The male is back in his cave and comes out to chase the female every 30 minutes or so. This is what he did right before she laid eggs the first time....are they getting ready to spawn again? Thanks for any info.

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Post by Yann »


Yes no worries... it just take some times for the female to mature eggs but these are bredding like rabbits...

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Allen Myers
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Post by Allen Myers »


Thanks for the quick reply. I've attached a picture of the female with some of her babies. As you can see, she is quite heavy in the mid-section again. It has been 16 days since she last laid eggs. What is the typical time between spawnings? Thanks in advance.


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Post by Yann »


When I use to have a breeding trio of these, they use to spawn every month or so... you got another 14 days to wait...;-)

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