Trying to breed c. trilineatus...

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Trying to breed c. trilineatus...

Post by jhd » the 10g planted with sand substrate. How often can I lower water temperature by 5 to 6 deg. F replacing 25% of water with fresh de-chlorinated cold water without stressing the fish? Current temp is 78 deg F, lowered to 73. I feed twice a day. Should I wait with lowering water temperature till I see females fattening from eggs or keep fluctuating temperature because this will make them produce eggs faster? :shock:
55 gal planted tank, very fine gravel
2 angels (pair),4 emerald catfish, 9 otos,1 cory sterbai, 3 clown loach 3 hatchets
temp 80 F, kh6 gh6 ph 7.8, CO2 yeast, amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5
29 gal planted, sand, CO2 yeast
6 small rainbows, 2 cory trilineatus, 2 otos, 4 cory bilineatus, 1 true SAE
water as above
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Post by Coryman »

Posts: 22
Joined: 12 Dec 2003, 01:32
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Post by jhd »

Looks like all I was doing was stressing the fish with the changes of the tank temp.
I set it on 76 and just wait than.
I have no problem spawning bilineatus I bought some weeks ago. As soon as they went into 29g planted, eggs were everywhere, to the enjoyment of neons.
I took some out, the one that were promising, set on the back of the filter tube.
They are now in the net in the tank, if fungus does not get them, they should hatch on Monday.
55 gal planted tank, very fine gravel
2 angels (pair),4 emerald catfish, 9 otos,1 cory sterbai, 3 clown loach 3 hatchets
temp 80 F, kh6 gh6 ph 7.8, CO2 yeast, amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5
29 gal planted, sand, CO2 yeast
6 small rainbows, 2 cory trilineatus, 2 otos, 4 cory bilineatus, 1 true SAE
water as above
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