Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Interests: breeding catfish from all parts of the world and getting them into the hobby. favorite catfish is the stonecat madtom,btw ingo how are my fish
Interests: breeding catfish from all parts of the world and getting them into the hobby. favorite catfish is the stonecat madtom,btw ingo how are my fish
DCP your reply in this thread is an example of wasting bandwidth. Many of these posts have been deleted to try to help you understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate posting. The server space and usage here cost money to maintain. It is our job as moderators to make sure that the information being exchanged is worthwhile usage of that money. Please stop posting in every thread if you don't have any actual information to add to the post. This is covered in detail in the rules. As a moderator, I for one, enjoy our wonderful group of members that are able to keep such a great resource fun to work on.
I do not wish to cause any offense with my comments but inappropriate actually means "not suitable or proper"
In this case the term was used in reference to your inappropriate and totally inaccurate attempted identification. You offered two possible choices for a Cory species that is spotted, even with a modicum of research you would have discovered that neither of your choices were remotely close.
DCP I just deleted your last post in this thread. You've used up your warnings. Please read THIS in it's entirety. Your next offense will get you banned from the board. I'm sure none of us wants that to have to happen.