Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
thanks again, i seem to remember you guys asking me for photos of the mouth. i can say that it is definately rounded like a panaque and its behaviour is different to a braueri as i have these as well. it is most definately a wood eater and likes red meat too. L77 doesnt match to me but i still think it is some sort of panaque. i will need to get a clip up of it out feeding or something. can i put up moving clips on here?
Some more pics would help. It's also not the L161 shown in Transfish. You'll need to check a print copy of Aqualog to see the fish they refer to as L161.
Basically, they are tan in colour with a dark reticulate pattern over the entire body, superimposed with broad vertical bars of medium to dark brown.
I think Aqualog calls them a Hypostomus species.
(Daily Mash headline)
Well, if you sent me the picture I'd put it online as L37 without a doubt and that is a species of Hypostomus. It is certainly not a Peckoltia, the sucker is too big aside from anything else. I'm not sure about L77, but Yann is right about the teeth (and indeed everything else he says above).