Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Hi its great to be here and think this may be the place to ID this plec.I bought it a few months ago as LDA33 and it dd come home black with white spots Its is now brown with orange spots, i've had a look through the articles etc but after a while they all look similer.Its approx 3in, very shy and loves algae wafers.Many thanks for any help!!
Thank you i do beleive your right That photo was taken when in a different tank where the lights are quite yellow, now its in the main tank with much better lights and yes the spots do look more white now Is there anything i need to be aware of as its in with discus and a small L191.Is it normally such a shy fish as the panaque is all over the place while the snowball seems nocturnal.