These are some of the most active Cory's I've ever had. They are swimming all over their tank. Can someone tell me their experiences with this Cory. I will post more photos later.
The fish are C. sterbai. In my experience they do better in warmer water. Not difficult to keep but it took me a while before I was able to breed them. Many of my friends have bred them with ease.
Good luck with them.
I've tried the play sand from Home Depot around here and it is much darker and dirtier
Even with many rinsings. Gunna try a pool supply store. Maybe their filter sand is cleaner.
I've had these guys a little while now and they are still very active and swimming all over the tamk. I have them in a 40 gallon tank with a couple of Australian Rainbows and three small cicihlids. The filtration is a powerhead connected to a Hydro stacked sponge and a H.O.T. Magnum, about 450 gallon per hour total.