Are bloodworms a problem with other cats besided plecos?

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Are bloodworms a problem with other cats besided plecos?

Post by Becki »

I was just reading over in one of the forums that bloodworms should be only fed once a week or so to plecos. I was wondering if this was a problem for any other cats, as I have a sailfin poleco, cories, synadontis, clown and yoyo loaches, ghost cats, botia angelicus, and plecoltias in various community tanks. I feed frozen bloodworms about 3x a week, and freeze dried 3-5x a week. (in addition to sinking pellets, flakes, zucchini, frozen/dried brine shrimp, etc.etc.. I have a whole drawer full of fish food) Just about everyone in teh pleco's tank gets the frozen/freeze dried foods first, so I'm not too worried about him. Does anyone know if this feeding schedule would cause a problem for my loaches, botia, cories, and ghost cats??

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Post by Silurus »

Nope. Most other cats have less finicky diet requirements. You should be OK with your feeding regime.
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Post by worton[pl] »

hmm I have also a question about feeding plecos when loaches are in a tank.
I have few plecos and 5 clown loaches in my tank and I have also a problem.
To feed plecos I have wait about two hours after I turn lights in tank off becouse clowns will eat everything that is for plecos (including all kinds of vegetables). I'm really interested how you solved this problem.
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Post by magnum4 »

I have the same problem just with 10 clown loach an a bunch of other smaller loaches. basicly twice a week fill the clown loachs up with loads of foods blood worms, prawns, earth worms, the more protein the better. Then come feeding time for the other bottom dwellers the loach are too full to care.

This method works well for me because the tank has oversized filters and the day after each feeding the tank is due water changes of betweeen 25-30% so the heavy protein load is not sustained long.
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Post by worton[pl] »

thats good idea but there is another problem I was never able to feed loaches so much that they stop eating but you wrote that it is possible :) I will try :D
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