Asian Bumblebee Catfish (Leiocassis siamensis)

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Asian Bumblebee Catfish (Leiocassis siamensis)

Post by ECW »

Has anyone ever had any experiecne with this fish?

If so, could you please tell me what you thought of them and what you noticed about their behaviour/tank preferences.

I have one in my 40G S.A setup. He's doing very well and unusually is always out swimming about.

Thanks in advance:D
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Post by Silurus »

A little bit territorial at times, but otherwise a peaceful enough tankmate for fish large enough not to get eaten. If there are enough hiding places for the other fish in your tank, then all will be fine.
You should also read this.
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Post by ECW »

Thanks Silurus. I already checked that article out, I just wondered about other people's experiences with the fish.

Thanks :D
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Post by Converting »

I have two about 5-6 inches each in a grow out tank that they now are considered permanent residents of. I really like them. Tthey are a very active catfish and also a great clean up crew. They fight with eachother most days, but nobody ever scars (I swear they act like they playfight). As for other fish in the tank they don't touch anything. I have grown out many fish in the tank and never had an issue of them even harrassing them. Plecos, cichlids, bichers and other cats.
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Post by mokmu »

Just like to find out. How fast do they get to be 6"? Mine are still at the 2.5-3" mark. I am very excited. Can't wait forthem to grow. Thanks.

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Post by Rusty »

I had a 0.5" specimen reach 6" in in less than 6 months. Never saw it between those two sizes in that time :-)

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Post by mokmu »

Really Russ? Wow, now I'm excited. Thanks.

How often do you feed the fish?

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Post by worton[pl] »

hiya all!!
I was on 2 week trip to western and north-western poland and I must say that there are much more catfishes to buy than in eastern part of my country. I saw a lot of synodontis and even few species of mystus ( i purchased 5 mystus carcio - i hope they will be in my tank in begining of october :)). Anyway when I returned to home I saw that my little bumblebee cat who was less than one inch long before I leave is now about 2,5 inch long!! My brother has fed fish 3 times per day and put some bloodworms into a tank 2 hours after light goes off. Bumblebee eats some during a day but not very much and when night begins in tank it becomes very active :D and eats like crazy. His/her stomach gets round like a ball :D. So it get 2 times longer in about 2 weeks :) I think that it will grow so fast few next cm and then it will slow down but who knows :) I'm going to buy 2 next bumblee cats tomorow :) they are great! :D
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