Cory with a pimple?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Cory with a pimple?

Post by Nautica »

I'm kind of new to this. My 20 gallon just got done cycling a few weeks ago and I decided to add my cories. I didn't have a quarantine tank with aged water, I would have had to start with new water and no seeded filter. Now I'm regretting it.

I was watching the two for about a half hour after I added them to my tank. I watched them for a good 15 minutes at the LFS and hadn't noticed what I did now. It looked like one of them had a zit under its jaw. His underside is white (and it should be) and this round, pimple-like bump blends in. Should I be concerned with this? What could it be? What should I do?

These are Harold Schultzi cories - mainly peppered body, clear fins with some black spots in them. :(

Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10ppm
PH: 7.8 (same as LFS)

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Post by oneoddfish »

I wouldn't worry about it just keep an eye on it.if it get's bigger or something start's to protrude from it (parasite) i would add a little garlic oil to water.there's another post it's by (clotheahump) that give correct dosing amount's just go to member list then click all posts by clotheahump to find it.
what's the matter?---cat got you'r tongue.

Jerry L Brown
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