20 gallon tank stocking question. cories/tiger barbs

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20 gallon tank stocking question. cories/tiger barbs

Post by jaimoe »

I have an 20 gallon tank that I have recently begun cycling with 6 zebra danios. When all is said and done I would like to have 6-8 danios, 6 bronze cory cats and 6 tiger barbs that I want to move out of my 75 gallon mbuna tank. Would 6 cories be good in a 20 gallon, and would they get along with the tiger barbs? :?:

I am not new to fishkeeping, but I am new to cories.
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Post by corybreed »

Six Corys would be fine in a 20 gallon tank. They would have no problem with the Tiger Barbs.

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Post by Graeme »

I cant see any problems as the tiger barbs will keep themselves entertained up there in upper levels of water. But if they do drift down-wards the Cory's are well protected by their armor.

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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

I have a 55 gallon with 12 cories and 6 tiger barbs, and the tigers keep to themselves at the top of the tank. Whenever they do decide to come to the lower level, they often keep their distance of the cories and seem to regard them as weird, alien little lifeforms. They'll circle a cory that is happily rustling through the gravel and seem to decide it's not worth their time and they'll go off to do something else. Very rarely have I seen a tiger nip at any of my other fish.
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Post by jaimoe »

Thanks for the replies! I purchased 6 bronze corys a couple of days ago and they are doing great. The lady as the LFS....she thought I was nuts for getting 6 corys for a 20 gallon....at first she didn't want to sell them to me! I assured her that I had sinking catfish pellets, and that I had thought it through before deciding on 6 of them and she just said "OK but you're WRONG". lol Now I have to make sure I keep them alive so I can prove her wrong. :twisted:
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