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Post by TalenT »

Let's hear about the largest cats you got in your tanks at home. Not necessarily of the largest species but the largest specimens you have got/have seen of a certain species. (i think i've read something on this forum, some time ago, about a "gigantic" Agamyxis pectinifrons). I myself can't say that i have got any true giant, but my two Liosomadoras (morrowi?) "black jaguars" are on their way to becoming giants, with an apetite :P making them almost as wide as they are long after feeding time :lol:
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Post by sidguppy »

I have one, and he'll be a problem in time to come:
Auchenoglanis occidentalis.

he's now about 8" pushing hard, in the 130G.
but he'll be bigger, MUCH, much bigger...... :( :( :(

And it's too bad I can't get a bigger house soon (houses are in very short supply in the Netherlands and incredably expensive: unaffordable for me), and thus, a big tank.

This monster would need a 400G or even more to live in.

but I sure will miss him when he's gone!
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Post by Fogelhund »

Well, my biggest isn't too impressive in size. Male Synodontis multipunctatus, about 7.5" in length. What is impressive though, is that he was a wild caught import..... in 1981.
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Post by Suckermouth »

~6" Royal Plec. :lol:

sidguppy, have you thought about stock tanks used as water troughs for livestock? The largest I've seen on sale is a 700 gallon. Sure you won't be able to see the fish from the side, but you could keep the fish permanently (provided humidity doesn't tear apart your house like Mr 4000's tank did).
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Post by corybreed »

A 13 inch Xingu Royal that goes though driftwood like it's going out of style.

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Post by Paladindjinn »

11 inch female Iridescent
10 inch Chocolate pleco
9 inch male Iridescent.
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Post by mallemalle »

i dont have any bic cats at the moment but i have two 13inch Apteronotus albifrons (black ghost)

Soup is good food!
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