help! ill pangasius

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help! ill pangasius

Post by blackmystus »

hi, can anyone please help me with my ill fish???!!!??? i have a two pangasius one at just over a foot and the othert not far behind. they wont eat. they have bumps on their back because they are getting skinny. i don't want to lose these fish. they have just gotten over a bout of whitespot and oodinium and still wont eat, this was over two weeks ago. help! i think they might have some sort of gill worm which i am trating for, but every other medication ive tried them with, they kept feeding as normal. all my others are feeding. help! other things like bullying stopped them eating last time and i divide the aggressive fish off. they then eat. they are being harrassed by the pictus, but not as bad as when they were being hassled by the mystus leucophasis. i don't know what to do and would like to pass this message on to anyone who has kept or keep pangasius. please help. thanks, Dave@BMFH, Carlisle.

this is what they used to look like with fat bellies! no that long ago either.

this is them about a week ago. they are thinner than that now... help!
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Post by Chrysichthys »

It would help if you could describe why you suspect a gill infestation.

I would test the water for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate (or have your LFS do it for you), because repeated infections could indicate a water quality problem. Pangasius aren't normally very susceptible to the diseases you mention.
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my pangasius

Post by blackmystus »

hi, thanks for the response, i didn't want to put a massive message on here as i did last time. still not got the hang of things on here yet. anyway, my pangasius, as you see are ill and that came about from putting in a catfish from a lfs. i put it straight into my show tank like a t***er and the fish was ill to start. i got oodinium/velvet, ick, flukes and whitespot from the result of all this. that fish since died and i unfortunately didn't get it out for at least 24hours. result-water cloudy. fish seem slower than normal. so did usual water changes. water clear. two days later, my arius sp. started flicking and the pangasius looked like they were choking or regurgitating, but in a quick pulse. i call it "chattering" as my breeding hoplosternum sp. do this. so i treated the tanks with a total of three treatments over two weeks with water changes as ususal and evrything still seemed fine. tanks are clear for about a week now. then arius sp, pangasius, pictus sp's. and some doradids started looking worse for wear. flicking constantly. result - doradids died, pictus lost whiskers and pangasius contracted popeye with a very sore looking red area just above his eye.
still with us?
treated with number 9 as i couldnt get anything else. swelling/popeye went down, flicking continued. pangasius still eating at this point. at the end of interpet number 9 i did a water change and thought it would be best that i left the tank well alone for a couple of days and that they should recover from all of this treatment.
this was about a week ago and i noticed that they weren't eating, well obviously as they have hand fed voraciuously since about 7" long. why arent they eating now? dropeed food on bottom, everyone else fed but pangasius, even the pictus who had velvet and lost his whiskers scoffed down some.
now we are on about two weeks since the pangasius haven't fed. everyone else is still eating, and i have now noticed that the arius sp, pictus sp, and the pangasius are flicking. i dont want to be constantly putting treatments in my tank as they are stressnig out my fish. have i got flukes? none of the treatments were internal i noticed. what can you suggest? internal treatment?

i will be grateful to anyone who can supply me some document on this happening before or a website for pangasius or even some suggestions on what to do as i am feeling as if i cannot look after these poor buggers properly.
cheers guys, Dave @ BMFH, Carlisle
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Post by Chrysichthys »

I'm not an expert, but the flicking, etc. sounds to me like a filtration / water quality problem. (Even if there wasn't one at first, all that medication may have knocked back the filter bacteria). I would do the water tests I have suggested ASAP and post the results here to (hopefully) eliminate that as a cause, and in the meantime not try any further medication.

Anyway tomorrow is Monday and we may get some moderator advice on this. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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water tests...

Post by blackmystus »

hi, will have to go to the lfs tomorrow and get them to do a w/check for me. will post results up in afternoon. thankyou for the concern and help, Dave@BMFH.
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ill pangasius

Post by blackmystus »

hi all, went down in the basement this morning and found all my plex chomping away on the remains of my pangasius. :shock: :cry:

so, how long will it be before the other one goes? they are so skinny and i checked the water conditions and they are all perfect, i even have some bristlenose breeding in there so there is nothing wrong with the water. i just think that they never recovered properly from when i first had all of the trouble. i still have no ideas what could have cause it to die.

oh well, off to see the missus and break the bad news... :(

BMFH :cry: -1
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