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Can anyone tell me somthing about this hybrid sucker pretty please? I know its a syndontis, but im afraid that's as far as it goes! Any information is neat. Thanks.
Ps. sorry for the lousy picture, my DigiCam has a cheap autofocus.
hi all, have had a few of these lal things come my way. some have turned out to be petricolas and some were granulos. synos. most were njassae. came from a rift tank of a friends. i would say that your syno is more than likely to be a Zambes or njassae sp. they all vary in the amount of spots they have. i take it that your fish is what, 3-4"? if it is, then i would say that we have a juv. synodontis njassae. would anyone else like to add further? im just guessing. says me with a hangover and a broken heater this morning!! dont ask me how it broke i have no idea.
I still say that fish is definitely not an S. petricola, nor is it a granulosus. I personally don't think it resembles njassae either (no small spotting on the face, wrong basic shape), IMO. Here are the two pictures to compare.
Syno. njassae
Mystery Syno
Because it DOES resemble a hybrid, you're only going to be "guesstimating" at its eventual size, without being able to figure out what the ancestral fish were, and praying you don't see hybrid vigor I suppose. I'd guess it will get at least 6 inches and need typical syno fare, meat, veggies, and whatever else you happen to be feeding. They aren't picky. It's very difficult to find information to compare to with man made fish, as there isn't a collection locale and the "general idea" of the adult sized specimens they saw while collecting.