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I come by three of these today,They are different to my other oto's and also the tail looks different to all the pics in the cat-e-log.If anyone could clear this up for me i would be greatful
Im not your Oto expert but checking the Welsatlas it looks awfully close to O.huaorani.
They write the body band and tailspot sometimes are a bit separated in adults as it looks on your fish...
Maybe somebody else knows better.
imo this is Otocinclus macrospilus. The caudal spot matches exactly the description in Schaefers cascudinho revision: "The presence of a double caudal pigment marking, comprised of a large, diffuse triangular anterior mark separated from the pigment of the midlateral stripe, followed posteriorly by a separate rectangular to sickle-shaped pigment blotch, is autapomorphic for O. macrospilus among Otocinclus species.
Thanks for the help Achim And your right too it is Otocinclus macrospilus I identified the fish using a book also,These seem to grow faster than my other oto's and do a great job as part of the clean up crew.