Cory shiver/twitch

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Cory shiver/twitch

Post by atlantis2267 »


I have a few cories showing symptoms of shivering/twitching for 3 seconds (body contorts as well during this time). I've not been able to find such descriptions on the internet or the disease related web sites.

[Other than that, some flicking from the affected fish but no other external symptoms. Going on for 3 weeks now and they are still eating well].

Keen to hear if anyone else seen the twitching symptoms before as I can't find it described anywhere.

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Post by silvernes »


(no idea - sounds intersting though)
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Post by jhd »

does your cory roll the tail to the side sometimes, just like it would like to see the back of the tail?
55 gal planted tank, very fine gravel
2 angels (pair),4 emerald catfish, 9 otos,1 cory sterbai, 3 clown loach 3 hatchets
temp 80 F, kh6 gh6 ph 7.8, CO2 yeast, amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5
29 gal planted, sand, CO2 yeast
6 small rainbows, 2 cory trilineatus, 2 otos, 4 cory bilineatus, 1 true SAE
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Post by atlantis2267 »

jhd wrote:does your cory roll the tail to the side sometimes, just like it would like to see the back of the tail?
Yes, that's a good way to describe it.
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Post by corybreed »

Do the Corys scrape their gill plates on the substrate?

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Post by polkadot »

I dont see my cories doing that? But sand do stick on their gill plates! :lol:
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Post by jhd »

There is no way of knowing that the reason is the same, but I lost all cory Juliis that did roll the tail to the side. Than they were motionless for most of the day and eventually lost balance and died. I lost 6 out of 10, the remaining 4 are healthy. I could not pin point the problem, it looked like some sort of parasite, also I treated for bacterial and parasite not knowing what it is. There is a thread about it on this forum somewhere, I posted it to try to get some help. I could not cure any of them. Again, there is no way of knowing that yours have the same problem.
55 gal planted tank, very fine gravel
2 angels (pair),4 emerald catfish, 9 otos,1 cory sterbai, 3 clown loach 3 hatchets
temp 80 F, kh6 gh6 ph 7.8, CO2 yeast, amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5
29 gal planted, sand, CO2 yeast
6 small rainbows, 2 cory trilineatus, 2 otos, 4 cory bilineatus, 1 true SAE
water as above
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Post by atlantis2267 »

corybreed wrote:Do the Corys scrape their gill plates on the substrate?

Those that show the symptom did scrape on the bottom. I've moved them from a smaller 10G quarantine tank to a 30 G tank just to be sure the water quality is better although I don't think it is due to water.

If it is due to parasites, I could not see any external symptoms. Dosing Interpet #7 is an option.
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