Just saying Hi

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Just saying Hi

Post by Fiver »

I just joined this forum, my first forum usage ever and thought I'd just say Hi :ohyeah: to all you catfish inthusiasts. I will be posting a question probably later today about IDing my cories.

I'll give you all a little background on my fish keeping. I have been seriously keep fish for about 2 and 1/2 years now. I started out with goldfish, which I still have and are living happily in their 46G tank. I also keep bettas, 6, and have been doing that for about a year. I have 6 African Dwarf Frogs, also have had those for about a year.

I just started my tropical tank about 2 weeks ago. It is in my 29G which was the goldfish's home until I got the 46 for my b-day. Right now the 29 has 3 platies and 3 cories. I just bought the cories last week. They were sold to me as jilli, but I know for a fact that two of them aren't, they have a black stripe over their eyes. Anyway, I'll post pics tonight and see what happens.

From the post I have read, this will be a very useful source for me and the people here are very friendly. I hope to make some great friends here. Take care and I'm sure I'll hear from some of you soon. :D
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Fiskars the Whiskers
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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Welcome to PC! :D You have definitely come to the right place for catfish love! I, for one, am excited to see your cory pictures because I love mine and like seeing pictures of other peoples'! I hope you find a lot of useful information here and we will see you around. :)
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Post by bigward »

Hello and wellcome to PC ........ someone somewhere can always help :D
"Toodle ooo"

Comic Book Guy
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