Bristlenose on bloodworms diet..

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Bristlenose on bloodworms diet..

Post by squid »

will it harm a bristlenose pleco to be on a staple diet of
frozen bloodworms and sinking pellets?
lately , i don't have any veggies to feed them, so been feeding them on bloodworms and some sinking pellets..

any bad effect his will have on them?

also how about sexing juveniles < 1 inch..
any way to pick male and female? or even not 100% sure. whats to look for in small bristlenose to have a bigger chance of getting a male and female?
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Post by Wood »

:D I feed only bloodworms and flake to my adult albino bristlenoses. Easy to sex when full grown. At 1 inch I cannot sex. Good luck! :D
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Post by squid »

Wood wrote::D I feed only bloodworms and flake to my adult albino bristlenoses. Easy to sex when full grown. At 1 inch I cannot sex. Good luck! :D

wish there was a way to sex them when small:)
just dropped in a leaf of lettuce :)
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Re: thanks!

Post by gary1218 »

I've noticed that with mine the bigger they get the less they like the vegetables. Mine get the bloodworms every few days with no problems so far. They also really like MYSIS shrimp :D

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Post by pleco_breeder »


I've had problems with intestinal blockage when fed bloodworm for extended periods on a daily schedule. However, when fed only twice a week with other feeds to make up the staple, there have been no problems. I normally feed mine a mix of veggies and shrimp for the primary source, and throw in a few bloodworms twice a week on set days. They do very nicely on this diet and spawn every 3-4 weeks depending on whether it is a rainy or dry season in their rack.

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Post by squid »

thanks for the replies:)
I added some lettuce leaves into their tank..
but my angelfish's main diet is bloodworm,
also sinking pellets. will this cause problem as i can see them go crazy at the buttom when bloodworms are dropped.
but they now have veggies to munch on:)

also now i have 2 small albino bristlenose, am getting 2 more tomorrow.
whats the chance of getting a pair?

how about when common is bred with albino?
what will be the outcome? because i also have 3 common bn's in my tank..

also are hikari algae wafers good for bns?

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