I'm new and have a question...

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I'm new and have a question...

Post by menscerto »


I have a small 2 gallon tank with a Betta. I was hoping to be able to add a small catfish (or two). What are some recommendations - i.e. type, number, etc. or if it's recommended at all.

Thanks for any response.
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Post by coelacanth »

Not in a 2 gallon tank I'm afraid.
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Post by Crazie.Eddie »

I agree as well. The normal stocking guide is 1" for each 1 gallon, which applies to fish under 3". Larger fish, should be stocked as 1" for each 5 gallons (at the most).
- Ed

125 Gallon (1*L018 Gold Nugget, 1*L204 Flash, 1*L260 Queen Arabesque, 5*Discus, 5*Angels, 5*Clown loaches, 8*Harlequin Rasboras, 3*Rainbowfishes, 5*Otocinclus, 7*Cories)
20 Gallon Long (2*L046 Zebras, 1*L183 Starlight Bristlenose, 10+* Cherry shrimp, 4*Otocinclus)
20 Gallon Long (20+* Cherry shrimp, 5*Amano shrimp, 2*Bamboo shrimp)
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Post by magnum4 »

A freshwater shrimp is about the most you can accommodate in 2 gallons.
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Post by ronsterrc »

Hey why dont you buy a catfish thats too big for your tank, then you have the perfect excuse to get a bigger tank :D
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Post by sjogren1 »

Maybe consider getting a couple of Neritina reclivata (Nerite Snails). They don't reproduce (except in brackish water), are small - 3/4", eat algae, and don't add to fish load.
** Roger S. **
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Post by Barbie »

Nerita snails are neat, tend to stay tightly adhered to the walls and surfaces, and should work, as long as the water quality is kept up. In all honestly, a 6 gallon tank would make anything you put in it 3 times more likely to survive the filter failing or heater malfunctioning. Here is a pic of one of my nerita snails.


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Post by sidguppy »

pretty snail.

i can see the gleam in the eye of my male Neolamprologus tretocephalus; he can see the screen from where the breeding tanks are located

So I found my snailkiller!!
he's like a tiger in the henhouse.....I can see plenty empty shells, and even MTS aren't safe anymore.
how he does it, no clue; but I finally found a sizable solution to The Plague......
Valar Morghulis
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