You could also take pictures of you filtration system and explain how many litres per hour your running, how it's heated and what the pond is built of ect.
I run around 2500-3000 gallons an hour.... i have NO mechanical filtration.... but yet is stays crystal clear... its because i have a large Settling basin.
only filtration i have running now is that Wetdry.... around 50 gallons if bioballs.
Interests: African catfishes and oddballs, Madagascar cichlids; stoner doom and heavy rock; old school choppers and riding them, fantasy novels, travelling and diving in the tropics and all things nature.
A M. tigrinus is to small of a fish to hang out with my boys...... But yes.. this is the best set up for a SHoval nose.. The sides of the pond act as padding when fish ram it.. so it wont Dent up their nose.
I fill the pond up probly around 100 gallons a weak lost in evaporation....
Durring the night i keep it covered up with a tarp.
That much humidity being introduced into a house is liable to become a problem very soon! I'd check the condition of your attic insulation frequently as all the evaporation water has to go somewhere. In the winter it'll likely be condensing on the rafters of your attic.
I have seen similar setups where the owner build a tent around the pond out of clear plastic sheeting and ducted a bath fan on a timer to the outside. You'll likely save allot of make-up water this way and it may save the roof of your house.
Good call, I remember Mr4000, a guy who build a 4k gallong tank big enough for him to swim in, had to take his down because the moisture was ruining his house.
Great pond PB! Finally did it. I have to eat my own words. I shall tell you this. I never thought you'd get around to actually doing it. A lot of work and consideration, I see, has gone into it. Congratulations! Keep it up.
mokmu wrote:Great pond PB! Finally did it. I have to eat my own words. I shall tell you this. I never thought you'd get around to actually doing it. A lot of work and consideration, I see, has gone into it. Congratulations! Keep it up.
PS Good looking fish too!
Mike D.
lol Alot of people underestimated me and my will... its ok..
And I though 200 gallons was alot ... say did you ever consider trying to take pics with a disposiable underwater camera??
30G - 4 common goldies (Neil Pryde, Jimmy Lewis and the twins) and 1 common pl*co (shark)
<O)>>< Building a web site with my other tanks and more info.