3 cory ID's please

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3 cory ID's please

Post by xsu-xsu »

Here are pix to 3 corydoras that I have bought today, cannot find on a quick glance in the Aqualog catalogue.


This first is what has been referred twice to me as c. ogawae although I cannot find any reference at all to this name, probably a locality. The dorsal is very high and pronounced on every one of them and are about 5-6cm excluding tail.



This next one I have no idea on!! I have 3 of them and all are large at 7-8cm excluding tail. There are no spots but each plate has a black lining if that makes sense!!



This next picture is another one of number 2 as well as a cory that was sold to me a while back as c. copei although I am more cvonvinced of c. leopardus. What do you all think?

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Post by xsu-xsu »

I think I've found the first one on Aqualog and verified on the blueyonder (Ian's site?) and cat-e-log. Anyway c. armatus is my best guess on this one. Agree?

Number 3, I will have to revert back to c. copei looking at Ian's site.

Still stumped on number 2 though!!
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Post by Coryman »

No 2 = C delphax and No 3 = C. cf leopardus

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Post by xsu-xsu »


From your site, c.leopardus




No3 looks way more like c.copei to me!!

Are we agreed on No1 as c.armatus?

Also, the cat-e-log says size for c.delphax is 6cm, but I'm sure mine are a little longer. Do I just have 3 very large ones?
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Post by Achim »

Hi Xsu-Xsu,

just my two cents:

Number one is not Corydoras armatus, but a species closely related to it. Its sometimes called Corydoras "dorsalis", a non existent taxon. "The real" Corydoras armatus differs on a first look in color (rather grayish) and the pattern of the spots.
Take a look:
C. "dorsalis"
C. armatus from the type locality.

I agree on number two with Ian.

Number three is like Ian already said best called C. cf. leopardus at the moment.
There are several "types" of Corydors leopardus which are either just variants or distinct species. Yours is sometimes found in Corydoras trilineatus imports (at least if found this specimen there, which i believe is the same "type" as yours) and differs from Corydoras leopardus by the "worm like" coloration on the head instead of spots.
Corydoras copei is a short snouted species and not of the "leopardus type" like the one you picture. Have a look at the holotype here, it looks totally different.


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Post by xsu-xsu »

Thanks for that explanation Achim!! Exactly what I needed to know!! Information like that helps me identify other similar types.

As for the c.armatus (ogawae), looking at pictures from other sources, it seems that my type of cory is often mixed in with c.armatus.
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