Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I bought a cory but the saleswoman no longer had the name. In order to find its congeners I would like to know its species. I'm thinking of Corydoras nanus, what do you think?
Hello, I really need your help to identify this little guy. I can't find congeners for it if I don't know what species it belongs to.
If there are any distinctive signs that do not appear in the photos, do not hesitate to ask me.
I bought a cory but the saleswoman no longer had the name. In order to find its congeners I would like to know its species. I'm thinking of Corydoras nanus, what do you think?
Hi, I’ve just registered as I have the same question. I recently bought 5 cories labelled as ‘nanus’ and I’m now looking to add to their family group. Today I saw corydora elegans that looked exactly the same, hence looking to clarify!
Hello kiwidu21,
Your species seems to be CW029.
"Elegans group" seems to be most controversial and most difficult o ID,
Hopefully this helps.
Martin Ortiz
@Mexnotex : Thank you for your response, I still haven't found his ID.
I see on the sheet that there is only one photo. Where can I find others to compare with my cory? Photos on the internet are not always well labeled...