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Non-dissertation student research sticky

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This thread is for posting unpublished abstracts or research not presented in a graduate dissertation or thesis. This thread includes abstracts of undergraduate projects and abstracts from other unpublished works, likely presented at a scientific meeting or via university libraries and Creative Commons portals.
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Madtom catfish use dead mussel shells

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Update: This is now published here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=49145

Brumley, J. (2018). Use of Dead Mussel Shells by Madtom Catfish in the Green River. Honors College Capstone Experience & Thesis Projects. Paper 747. Western Kentucky University.
The Green River in Kentucky has high fish and macroinvertebrate diversity. As both fish and macroinvertebrates have evolved together in this system, symbiotic relationships have developed between species. One type of relationship that has been observed is between madtom catfish ( spp.) and mussels in the Green River, as the madtom individuals use dead mussel shells as cover while not actively hunting. In the fall of 2016 and 2017, surveys were conducted to determine if madtom catfish prefer hiding under dead mussel shells or rocks of similar size. The data was collected at four separate sites along the Green River, each sampled per year. Three 12-meter by 12-meter plots were sampled at each site by snorkeling upstream searching for madtoms in the dead mussel shells and under the rock substrate. An equal amount of effort was used searching for madtoms under rocks and in mussel shells. Significantly more madtoms were found under mussel shells than under rocks of similar size. These results support the hypothesis tested in this study that madtoms prefer the cover of mussel shells rather than rocks. The decline of mussel populations, and resulting decline in available mussel shells in rivers and streams, may have negative effects on madtom populations in the future.
  • Advisor(s) or Committee Chair: Dr. Philip Lienesch, Dr. Scott Grubbs, Dr. Chris Keller
    Disciplines: Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation
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Influence of drought on Trachelyopterus galeatus

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Dantas, C.T.D.A. (2019). Influence of supraseasonal drought on the population attributes of Trachelyopterus Galeatus (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae) in the Santa Cruz-RN reservoir. Monograph presented to the Rural Federal University of Semi-Arid as a requirement to obtain a Bachelor of Ecology degree.

Dantas, C. T. D. A. (2019). Influência de seca suprasazonal nos atributos populacionais de Trachelyopterus Galeatus (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae) no reservatório de Santa Cruz-RN. Monografia apresentada à Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido como requisito para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ecologia.
Drought is a type of natural disorder characterized by a period of low level of can be divided into seasonal or supraseasonal, generating effects on water and aquatic communities. In this context, it is not known how fish species will respond to the long and continuous pressure of supra-seasonal drought. Therefore, the purpose of this work aimed to evaluate the influence of supraseasonal drought on the population attributes of , testing the hypothesis that the population parameters varying with prolonged drought, represented by the reduction in water volume of the reservoir. The study area is located in the Apodi / Mossoró river basin, in the Santa Cruz-RN reservoir. At this location, quarterly collections were performed in the period from February 2010 to December 2017. To characterize the dynamics of the. Some attributes of this level of organization were estimated: weight-length relationship; monthly variation of gonadal maturation stages; first length maturation (L50); temporal variation in abundance (CPUEn) and biomass (CPUEb); temporal variation of Total Length (TC); Condition factor (K); and Index gonadosomatic (IGS). To verify the influence of supraseasonal drought on the population the same attributes were used as dependent variables and the water volume of the reservoir as an independent variable in general linear models. It was observed that in period studied, rainfall ranged from 0 mm to 582.4 mm, with May 2011 being the of greater accumulated precipitation. The reservoir water volume has continuously decreased, from 91.67% to 14.59%. Population dynamics responded negatively to drought above seasonal for some of the parameters (K and CT). In the estimated weight-length ratio for the population, negative allometric type growth was observed (b = 2.56). Most population is mature in all evaluated quarters, mainly females. The length of first maturation for grouped sexes was 9.75 cm, and for females the value was below and for males the value was 10.48 cm, but during the years. Many fluctuations were observed without any tendency (upward and downward). Therefore, there were positive responses to supra-seasonal drought, and adverse water conditions. of the reservoir does not seem to limit the species. The results presented corroborate with the hypothesis of this study, that is, the species Trachelyopterus galeatus seems to have responded to supraseasonal drought for some of the parameters evaluated (CPUEn, K, IGS, L50), which may be interpreted as plasticity in some of its population attributes.
A seca é um tipo de distúrbio natural caracterizada por um período de baixo nível de precipitação, podendo ser dividida em sazonal ou suprasazonal, gerando efeitos nos cursos hídricos e nas comunidades aquáticas. Nesse contexto, não se sabe como espécies de peixes responderão a pressão contínua e longa da seca supra sazonal. Portanto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência da seca suprasazonal nos atributos populacionais da espécie de peixe , testando a hipótese de que os parâmetros populacionais estão variando em função da seca prolongada, representada pela redução do volume de água do reservatório. A área do estudo é localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Apodi/Mossoró, no reservatório de Santa Cruz-RN. Nesse local foram realizadas coletas trimestrais no período compreendido entre fevereiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2017. Para caracterizar a dinâmica populacional foram estimados alguns atributos desse nível de organização: relação pesocomprimento; variação mensal dos estádios de maturação gonadal; comprimento de primeira maturação (L50); variação temporal na abundância (CPUEn) e na biomassa (CPUEb); variação temporal de Comprimento Total (CT); Fator de condição (K); e Índice gonadossomático (IGS). Para verificar a influência da seca suprasazonal na população utilizou-se os mesmos atributos como variáveis dependentes e o volume de água do reservatório como variável independente em modelos lineares gerais. Observou-se que no período estudado, a precipitação variou entre 0 mm a 582,4 mm, sendo maio de 2011 o mês de maior precipitação acumulada. O volume de água do reservatório reduziu continuamente, passando de 91,67% para 14,59%. A dinâmica populacional respondeu negativamente a seca supra sazonal para alguns dos parâmetros (K e CT). Na relação peso-comprimento estimada para a população, observou-se crescimento do tipo alométrico negativo (b=2,56). A maioria da população encontra-se madura em todos os trimestres avaliados, principalmente as fêmeas. O comprimento de primeira maturação para sexos agrupados foi 9,75 cm, sendo que para fêmeas o valor foi abaixo e para machos o valor foi de 10,48 cm, porém durante os anos foram observadas muitas flutuações sem nenhuma tendência (de aumento e de diminuição). Portanto, ocorreram respostas positivas a seca supra sazonal, e as condições adversas da água do reservatório parece não limitar a espécie. Os resultados apresentados corroboram com a hipótese desse estudo, ou seja, a espécie Trachelyopterus galeatus parece ter respondido à seca suprasazonal para alguns dos parâmetros avaliados (CPUEn, K, IGS, L50), isso podendo ser interpretado como plasticidade em alguns de seus atributos populacionais
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Re: Non-dissertation student research sticky

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Slaughter, Mariah, "An Investigation on the Cover Preference of the Mountain Madtom (Noturus eleutherus)" (2020). Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects. Paper 845.

PDF: ... hon_theses
Madtom catfish, members of the genus Noturus, are common in the waters of the Southeastern US. A previous study observed that madtoms in the Green River, Kentucky, preferred to shelter within old mussel shells compared to under or next to rocks. A laboratory study on the Carolina Madtom (), found that they did not utilize mussel shells and preferred rocks as cover. I conducted a similar laboratory study to determine which cover options the Mountain Madtoms () prefer. Cover preference was determined by offering the madtoms shelter options (rocks or mussel shells) in 10-gallon aquaria. After the animal had acclimated to the tank for 24 hours the tank was inspected, and the animal’s shelter choice recorded. I found that Mountain Madtoms selected to use the mussel shells over the rocks. Based on these results I conducted a second experiment to see if shell orientation impacted selection. I found that Mountain Madtoms preferred shell orientations with dorsal coverage to those without. Freshwater mussels are one of the most endangered taxa and are currently declining throughout their range. If madtoms rely on mussel shells for cover, the loss of freshwater mussels may cause a decrease in madtom populations within Kentucky waterways, negatively impacting the overall ecosystem.
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Parotocinclus of the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil

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Moderator update: In July 2020, the fish named here as Parotocinclus sp. 2 was described as : viewtopic.php?f=14&t=49303
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is an older work, but would have been worthy of inclusion at the time. But note, the Parotocinclus sp. 1 and P. sp. 2 in this work don't correspond to the same names in the CLOG here.

Pitanga, Bruno Rocha. (2012). Parotocinclus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil. Federal University of Bahia, Institute of Biology. Advisor: Angela Maria Zanata.

Pitanga, Bruno Rocha. (2012). Parotocinclus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) da Bacia do Rio Paraguaçu, Bahia, Brasil. Universidade Federal da Bahia
Instituto de Biologia. Advisor: Angela Maria Zanata.
PDF: ... NITIVA.pdf
Parotocinclus is a taxon composed of 24 described species of fish belonging to the Loricariidae family, included in the Order Siluriformes. Initially assigned as a monotypic subgenus of Hisonotus, it was later elevated to monophyletic gender status, whose diagnostic feature is the presence of an adipose fin. In recent work, it is considered a polyphyletic group, based on external morphological, osteological and molecular characteristics. Its distribution is concentrated mainly in coastal streams between Piauí and Santa Catarina, with almost half of the described species found in the Northeast region. Among the hydrographic basins in the region, the Paraguaçu River basin is the largest fully included in the State of Bahia and is marked by a strong endemism. In the present work, a taxonomic study of Parotocinclus from the Paraguaçu River basin was carried out, with the definition of the number of species present there, with the presentation of a brief taxonomic characterization and a key for their identification. Parotocinclus specimens collected between 2005 and 2011 were used for analysis and deposited at the Zoology Museum of the Federal University of Bahia. The identification and taxonomic description of the specimens were carried out based on characteristics of external morphology and color. The result of the study revealed the presence of four species of Parotocinclus: P. bahiensis, P. aff. prata, Parotocinclus sp. 1 and Parotocinclus sp. 2. is a species described with a typical locality in the Itapicuru River basin, and the other three species are not described. Prior to the present study, there were no known species of Parotocinclus endemic to the Paraguaçu River basin.
Keywords: Fish (Parotocinclus); Taxonomy; Fish - Paraguaçu River Basin
Abstract: Parotocinclus é um táxon composto por 24 espécies descritas de peixes pertencentes à família Loricariidae, inclusa na Ordem Siluriformes. Inicialmente atribuído como um subgênero monotípico de Hisonotus, foi posteriormente elevado ao status monofilético de gênero, cuja característica diagnóstica é a presença de nadadeira adiposa. Em trabalhos recentes, ele é considerado um grupo polifilético, com base em características morfológicas externas, osteológicas e moleculares. Sua distribuição concentra-se principalmente em riachos costeiros entre Piauí e Santa Catarina, sendo que quase a metade das espécies descritas encontram-se na região Nordeste. Dentre as bacias hidrográficas da região, a bacia do rio Paraguaçu é a maior totalmente inclusa no Estado da Bahia e é marcada por um forte endemismo. No presente trabalho, foi realizado um estudo taxonômico de Parotocinclus da bacia do rio Paraguaçu, com a definição do número de espécies ali presentes, com a apresentação de uma breve caracterização taxonômica e uma chave de identificação das mesmas. Foram utilizados para análise exemplares de Parotocinclus coletados entre 2005 e 2011 e depositados no Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. A identificação e descrição taxonômica dos exemplares foram realizadas com base em características de morfologia externa e de coloração. O resultado do estudo revelou a presença de quatro espécies de Parotocinclus: P. bahiensis, P. aff. prata, Parotocinclus sp. 1 e Parotocinclus sp. 2. é uma espécie descrita com localidade-tipo na bacia do rio Itapicuru, e as três demais espécies encontram-se não-descritas. Anterior ao presente estudo, não havia nenhuma espécie conhecida de Parotocinclus endêmica para a bacia do rio Paraguaçu.
Keywords: Peixe (Parotocinclus);Taxonomia;Peixe - Bacia do Rio Paraguaçu
Parotocinclus aff. prata. Capão River, Paraguaçu River Basin, Palmeiras Municipality, Bahia
Parotocinclus aff. prata. Capão River, Paraguaçu River Basin, Palmeiras Municipality, Bahia
Parotocinclus sp. 1. Utinga River, Paraguaçu River Basin, Municipalities of Utinga, Wagner and Lençóis, Bahia
Parotocinclus sp. 1. Utinga River, Paraguaçu River Basin, Municipalities of Utinga, Wagner and Lençóis, Bahia
Parotocinclus sp. 2. Paraguaçu River, municipality of Ibicoara, Bahia
Parotocinclus sp. 2. Paraguaçu River, municipality of Ibicoara, Bahia
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Reversal of self-poisoning in Corydoras aeneus

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Note: This author's address is listed as Eastern Michigan University. I infer from the abstract and lack of their contact info on the source website that this might be a senior thesis.

Hamade, S. (2021). The Reversal of Self-Poisoning in Bronze and Albino corydoras: A Recent Study. New Visions in Biological Science, 7, 31-36.

The full paper is here: ... 0hobbyists ... s-I6Tc.pdf
The Albino corydoras is a variation of the Bronze Corydoras that advanced through the aquarium trade. They tend to display a pale pink body with red eyes. The fact that these Albino corydoras are specifically bred for the commercial ornamental fish trade renders them blind as they are commonly injected with a bright red dye. Corydoras is a genus of freshwater catfish that belongs to the family Callichthyidae and the subfamily of Corydoradinae. Corydoras are small fish, estimating between 21-100mm and averaging at 57mm. The unique ability to use their body armor scales and sharp, commonly venomous spines allows them to protect themselves from predators. Alongside this, the Corydoras can self-poison when threatened, a common feature of many species of Corys, which enables them to deliver poisonous mucus from their gills causing surrounding fish to expeditiously die. The process of self-poisoning causes tremendous stress on the Corydoras, often resulting in death. This study focuses on the process of self-poisoning and insight into its reversal in Bronze Corydoras and Albino corydoras. The purpose of this study is to inform marine biologists and educate aquarium hobbyists on possible reversing mechanisms that could save the lives of many Corydoras.
Keywords: Albino corydoras, Callichthys, pH, Bronze Corydoras Catfish
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Using metronidazole and albendazole to treat nematodes in Corydoras virginiae

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Rodriguez Mendoza, Astrid Caroline & Campos Acuña, Grissel Milagros. (2021). Use of metronidazole and albendazole in the treatment of nematodes in Corydoras virginiae (Burgess, 1993). Bachelor's thesis, National University of the Peruvian Amazon (SUNED). Biological Sciences Faculty. Iquitos, Peru.

Uso de metronidazol y albendazol en el tratamiento de nemátodos en Corydoras virginiae (Burgess, 1993) ... 12737/7741
PDF: ... sAllowed=y

The fish of the Callichthyidae family are highly demanded in the international market, constituting an important volume of the species that are exported by the commercial aquariums of the city of Iquitos. Parasitic diseases are very common affecting fish, highlighting nematode infections, which if not combated correctly can lead to the death of the fish. Currently there are no studies related to the treatment of species of the Callichthyidae family parasitized by intestinal nematodes, therefore the present study aims to evaluate different doses of Metronidazole and Albendazole to treat infections caused by Nematodes present in Corydoras virginiae. This study was carried out at the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) km 4.5 of the Iquitos - Nauta highway in the Parasitology and Aquaculture Health laboratory, with a duration of approximately 06 months, from (July 19 to July 21). December 2018). The fish were collected from the natural environment and collected by the AQUATRADE commercial aquarium to later be transferred to the IIAP Parasitology and Aquaculture Health Laboratory. An initial sample of analyzed fish revealed the presence of the nematode Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pintoi parasitizing the intestine of the C. virginiae specimens. Additionally, morphometric data were taken from male and female specimens of the parasite. Later, infected fish were selected and placed in experimental units to be subjected to different experiments using albendazole and metronidazole for their treatments. Four experiments were carried out: experiment 1. Efficacy of 5g of Albendazole and Metronidazole per kg of food, experiment 2. Efficacy of 10g of Albendazole and Metronidazole per kg of food, experiment 3. Efficacy of 20g of Albendazole and Metronidazole per kg of food and experiment 4. Efficacy of 25g of Albendazole and Metronidazole per kg of feed. Parasitic indices showed that albendazole and metronidazole are effective for the treatment of infections by the nematode P. (S.) pintoi, noting parasite reductions proportional to the days of treatment, in this sense, while the fish were more exposed to the treatment they were noted greater efficacy reflected in a reduction in parasitic prevalences.

Los peces de la familia Callichthyidae son altamente demandados en el mercado internacional, constituyendo un volumen importante de las especies que son exportadas por los acuarios comerciales de la ciudad de Iquitos. Las enfermedades parasitarias son muy comunes afectando a los peces, destacando las infecciones por nemátodos, los cuales si no son combatidos correctamente pueden conllevar a la muerte de los peces. Actualmente no hay estudios relacionados con el tratamiento de especies de la familia Callichthyidae parasitadas por nemátodos intestinales por lo tanto el presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar diferentes dosis de Metronidazol y Albendazol para tratar infecciones causadas por Nemátodos presentes en Corydoras virginiae. El presente trabajo fue ejecutado en el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP) km 4.5 de la carretera Iquitos - Nauta en el laboratorio de Parasitología y Sanidad Acuícola, con una duración de aproximadamente 06 meses, del (19 de julio al 21 de diciembre del 2018). Los peces fueron colectados del medio natural y acopiados por el acuario comercial AQUATRADE para luego ser trasladados al laboratorio de Parasitología y Sanidad Acuícola del IIAP. Una muestra inicial de peces analizados reveló la presencia del nemátodo Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pintoi parasitando el intestino de los ejemplares de C. virginiae. Adicionalmente, se tomaron datos morfométricos de ejemplares machos y hembras del parásito. Posteriormente, se seleccionaron a peces infectados y se colocaron en unidades experimentales para ser sometidos a diferentes experimentos utilizando albendazol y metronidazol para sus tratamientos. Cuatro experimentos fueron llevados a cabo: experimento 1. Eficacia de 5g de Albendazol y Metronidazol por kg de alimento, experimento 2. Eficacia de 10g de Albendazol y Metronidazol por kg de alimento, experimento 3. Eficacia de 20g de Albendazol y Metronidazol por kg de alimento y experimento 4. Eficacia de 25g de Albendazol y Metronidazol por kg de alimento. Los índices parasitarios demostraron que el albendazol y metronidazol son eficaces para el tratamiento de infecciones por el nemátodo P. (S.) pintoi, notándose reducciones parasitarias proporcionales a los días de tratamientos, en tal sentido, mientras los peces estuvieron más expuestos al tratamiento se notó mayor eficacia reflejada en una reducción de las prevalencias parasitarias.
Anexo 2. Demostración del nematodo a través de la lámpara iluminada y a través de la luz solar (Annex 2. Demonstration of the nematode through the lighted lamp and through sunlight).
Anexo 2. Demostración del nematodo a través de la lámpara iluminada y a través de la luz solar (Annex 2. Demonstration of the nematode through the lighted lamp and through sunlight).
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Acoustic Variation in Ictalurid Catfishes

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Lecorchick, J. (2022). Acoustic Variation in Ictalurid Catfishes. Senior thesis, B.S., Biology, Cornell University.
PDF: ... sAllowed=y
There are more than 35,000 ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) species potentially using acoustic communication. However, of the approximately 1200 known soniferous fish species, few include North American freshwater fish. To help fill this knowledge gap in fish acoustic communication, which holds great promise for conservation monitoring, I document acoustic measurements (duration 90%, bandwidth 90%, number of pulses, center frequency, and peak time) across 4 species (, , , ) from 3 genera of the North American catfish family, Ictaluridae. This was done by recording 10 trials of disturbance calls from 28 individuals and analyzing a total of 1294 sounds using Raven Pro 1.6 software. I hypothesized that: 1) more phylogenetically/morphologically related species would have more similar acoustic features, 2) acoustic features would correlate with one another, and 3) acoustic features would correlate with standard length (cm). For hypothesis 1, I instead found that Ameriurus nebulosus were the most acoustically dissimilar, despite having the highest level of phylogenetic/morphological similarity with Ameirus natalis. However, only Ameriurus nebulosus' number of pulses were significantly different from other species. For hypothesis 2, it was found that many acoustic measurements were correlated with one another as predicted. For hypothesis 3, only the number of pulses was found to be significantly correlated with standard length, but minimally so. These findings further support the notion that pulsation measurements may contain a high level of phylogenetic signal given it being the most important characteristic to differentiate species.
  • SUBJECT: Biological sciences honors program; Bioacoustics; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology; Conservation; Ichthyology; Freshwater
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Osteology of three Ecuadoran Astroblepus species

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Calderón Berrones, A. J. (2023). Osteology of three morphospecies of the genus Astroblepus (Siluriformes: Astroblepidae) from the upper basin of the Esmeraldas River - Ecuador. (Bachelor's thesis, Quito: UCE).
PDF: ... JAZMIN.pdf
ABSTRACT: corresponds to the only genus of the Astroblepidae family, this group is composed by 82 species, 14 are registered in the Esmeraldas River basin in Ecuador. The morphological characteristics of this group tend to be confused between species, in such a way that their diagnostic morphological characters cannot be identified, so it is necessary to implement complementary studies such as osteology. The objective of this study was to determine the specific bone characteristics of three morphospecies of the genus Astroblepus from the upper basin of the Esmeraldas River. The osteological characters were analyzed by computed tomography, for the execution of multivariate statistical analyzes of PCA, RDA and Classical clustering. The obtained results identified that the multivariate statistical analyzes of the osteological measurements, as well as the anatomical analysis of the bone structures by themselves, allow to successfully discriminate between Astroblepus cf. theresiae, Astroblepus cf. eigenmanni and Astroblepus cf. mindoensis. The osteological traits analyzed in this study are presented as valid characters for discernment at the species level in the Astroblepidae family.
Descripción: Astroblepus corresponde al único género de la familia Astroblepidae, este grupo está compuesto por 82 especies, de las cuales 14 se registran en la cuenca del río Esmeraldas en Ecuador. Los rasgos morfológicos de este grupo tienden a confundirse entre especies, de tal manera que no se pueden identificar los caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos de las mismas, por lo cual, es necesario la implementación de estudios complementarios como la osteología. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características óseas específicas de tres morfoespecies del género Astroblepus de la cuenca alta del río Esmeraldas. Los caracteres osteológicos se estudiaron mediante tomografías computarizadas para poder realizar los análisis estadísticos multivariados de PCA, RDA y Clúster clásico. Los resultados obtenidos identificaron que los análisis estadísticos multivariantes de las mediciones osteológicas, así como el análisis anatómico de las estructuras óseas por si solas, permiten discriminar con éxito entre los especímenes de Astroblepus cf. theresiae, Astroblepus cf. eigenmanni y Astroblepus cf. mindoensis. Es así, que los rasgos osteológicos analizados en este estudio se presentan como caracteres válidos para el discernimiento a nivel de especie en la familia Astroblepidae.
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Review of Proloricaria, its species and their distributions

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Pinheiro, V. H. P. (2023). Revision of the nominal species of the genus Proloricaria isbrücker, 2001 (siluriformes: loricariidae, loricariinae): a case of application of integrative taxonomy. Completion of undergraduate course work, Bachelor of Science. Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos campus, São Carlos. 20 March 2023.

Pinheiro, V. H. P. (2023). Revisão das espécies nominais do gênero Proloricaria Isbrücker, 2001 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae, Loricariinae): um caso de aplicação de taxonomia integrativa. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, campus São Carlos, São Carlos. 20 March 2023. ... _Final.pdf
The catfishes of the Loricariinae subfamily inhabit the substrate environments of South American rivers and are distinguished from the rest of the Loricariidae family by having a long, depressed caudal peduncle and the absence of an adipose fin. Most of the more than 250 species of Loricariinae were described in the genus Loricaria, but many are currently located in other genera of the subfamily. The genus Proloricaria was described in 2001, having as type species , from the Tietê river basin. The other species accepted for the genus, , was originally described as L. prolixa lentiginosa, from specimens of the rio Grande basin. The two species are widely distributed in the upper rio Paraná basin, and are morphologically very similar. The distinction between them was originally based on the difference of color on the head and body, and the arrangement of bony plates on the abdomen. Such characters are labile, with doubts regarding the recognition and taxonomic validity of the two species, suggesting synonymy. This monograph consists in a study of the species of the genus Proloricaria using a combination of morphological methods and molecular analysis (DNA barcoding), in order to test the hypothesis of validity of two nominal species belonging to the genus. Morphometric, meristic and qualitative analyzes of specimens deposited in collections were carried out, as well as molecular analyzes of DNA barcoding from the sequencing of the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene of specimens, comparing them with the sequences available at BOLD Systems and Genbank. The morphological analysis of the species showed differences regarding the presence or absence of a pair of pre-dorsal supernumerary anterior plates, and the number of rows of odontodes on the parieto-supraoccipital. Molecular analyzes of the sequences compared with the database sequences allowed the distinction of the two species, supporting the necessity of correction of the mentions of both in the studies of the ichthyofauna of the upper Paraná river. The morphological and molecular basis obtained in this study resolves many of the existing conflicts regarding the identification and validity of the species, presents support to distinguish them as two different species, corrects the mentions of each one of them in the literature, and defines the distribution pattern of P. prolixa in the Tietê, Paranapanema and Paraná river basins, and P. lentiginosa in the rio Grande basin, both integrating the upper Paraná river system.
Keywords: upper Paraná river; integrative taxonomy; Proloricaria

Os peixes cascudos da subfamília Loricariinae habitam ambientes de substrato nos rios da América do Sul e se distinguem dos demais da família Loricariidae por apresentarem pedúnculo caudal longo e deprimido e ausência de nadadeira adiposa. A maioria das mais de 250 espécies de Loricariinae foi descrita no gênero Loricaria, mas muitas se encontram atualmente alocadas em outros gêneros da subfamília. O gênero Proloricaria foi descrito em 2001 tendo como espécie tipo , proveniente da bacia do rio Tietê. A outra espécie aceita para o gênero, , foi descrita originalmente como L. prolixa lentiginosa, a partir de exemplares provenientes da bacia do rio Grande. As duas espécies são amplamente distribuídas na bacia do alto rio Paraná, e são morfologicamente muito semelhantes. A distinção entre elas foi originalmente baseada na diferença de coloração da cabeça e do corpo, e na disposição das placas ósseas no abdômen. Tais caracteres são lábeis, havendo dúvidas quanto ao reconhecimento e validade taxonômica das duas espécies, sugerindo sinonímia. Este trabalho consiste em um estudo das espécies do gênero Proloricaria utilizando uma combinação de métodos morfológicos e de análises moleculares (DNA barcoding), de forma a testar a hipótese de validade das duas espécies nominais pertencentes ao gênero. Foram realizadas análises morfométrica, merística e qualitativa de exemplares depositados em coleções, bem como análises moleculares de DNA barcoding a partir do sequenciamento do gene Citocromo Oxidase I (COI) dos exemplares, comparando-as com as sequências disponíveis na BOLD Systems e Genbank. A análise morfológica das espécies demonstrou ter diferenças quanto a presença ou não de um par de placas supranumerárias anteriores pré-dorsais, e no número de linhas de odontódes no parieto-supraoccipital. As análises moleculares das sequências comparadas às sequências das bases de dados possibilitaram a distinção entre as duas espécies, sustentando a necessidade de correção das menções de ambas nos estudos da ictiofauna do alto rio Paraná. O embasamento morfológico e molecular obtidos neste estudo resolve muitos conflitos existentes em relação a identificação e validade das espécies, dá sustentação para distingui-las como duas espécies diferentes, corrige as menções de cada uma delas na literatura, e define o padrão de distribuição de P. prolixa nas bacias dos rios Tietê, Paranapanema e Paraná, e P. lentiginosa na bacia do rio Grande, ambas integrando o sistema do alto rio Paraná.
Palavras-chave: alto rio Paraná; taxonomia integrativa; Proloricaria
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A project to create a company specialized for transport of ornamental fish in Colombia

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Rojas, V. B. (2023). Formulation and evaluation of a project for the creation of a logistics company specialized in the transport of ornamental fish in Colombia. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering, Universidad El Bosque. Retrieved from:

Rojas, V. B. (2023). Formulación y evaluación de un proyecto para la creación de una empresa logística especializada en el transporte de peces ornamentales en Colombia. Tesis de grado,Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad El Bosque. Recuperado de: ... 2495/10734
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The objective of this degree project is to carry out a feasibility study for the creation of a company specialized in the transportation of ornamental fish in Colombia, based on a commercial, technical and financial study. The business idea focuses on providing the technical characteristics for the transportation of fish, mitigating the risk of loss due to death or disease from the point of origin -fish farmer- to the destination -marketer-. On the other hand, transport can be carried out according to the marketer's need to transport different species, given that, depending on the species to be transported, it requires special characteristics and its resistance is different. To identify the acceptance of the business idea, three components are taken into account: commercial feasibility to know the acceptance of the market and the industry; technical feasibility to determine if the technical equipment, infrastructure and manpower are available to provide the service; and financial feasibility to identify the profitability of this project. After conducting the aforementioned studies, it was found that the project is commercially and technically viable; however, financially the project does not have sufficient income to be considered financially viable.
Keywords: Ornamental fish, Fish transport, Technical feasibility, Commercial feasibility, Financial feasibility, Logistics
El presente trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una empresa especializada en el transporte de peces ornamentales en Colombia; el cual se basa en un estudio comercial, técnico y financiero. La idea de negocio se enfoca en brindar las características técnicas para el transporte de los peces mitigando el riesgo de pérdida por muerte o enfermedad desde el punto de origen -piscicultor- al destino -comercializador-. Por otro lado, el transporte se puede realizar de acuerdo con la necesidad del comercializador para transportar diferentes especies, dado que, según la especie a transportar requiere de características especiales y su resistencia es diferente. Para identificar la aceptación de la idea de negocio se toman tres componentes, una viabilidad comercial para conocer la aceptación del mercado y de la industria; una viabilidad técnica, para determinar si se cuenta con el equipo técnico, infraestructura y mano de obra para prestar el servicio; y la viabilidad financiera, para identificar la rentabilidad del presente proyecto. Se encontró, después de realizar los estudios mencionados que el proyecto es viable comercial y técnicamente, sin embargo, financieramente el proyecto no presenta los ingresos suficientes para considerarse viable desde el punto de vista financiero.
Palabras clave: Peces ornamentales, Transporte de peces, Viabilidad técnica, Viabilidad comercial, Viabilidad Fianciera, Logística
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Possible new Astroblepus species from the Northeast of Pichincha Ecuador

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Alarcón Zambrano, M.A. (2023). Delimitation of catfish species of the genus Astroblepus (Siluriformes: Astroblepidae) from the Northeast of Pichincha-Ecuador using the DNA Barcoding technique of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Bachelor's thesis, Quito: UCE. ... ALICIA.pdf

Alarcón Zambrano, M. A. (2023). Delimitación de especies de bagres del género Astroblepus (Siluriformes: Astroblepidae) del Nororiente de Pichincha-Ecuador utilizando la técnica ADN Barcoding del gen citocromo oxidasa I (COI). Bachelor's thesis, Quito: UCE.
The species of the genus are characterized by being good swimmers, thanks to their dorsoventrally compressed morphology, they have managed to move to the highest foothills of the Andes. They play important roles in the ecosystem and are organisms which are sensitive to environmental imbalances, which is why they are catalogued as bioindicator organisms. As these species have cryptic characteristics, several authors recommend morphological and genetic characterization for proper taxonomic identification. In the present research, the DNA barcoding technique was applied to delimit the two species collected: Astroblepus cf eigenmanni and Astroblepus cf. sp. The results showed a divergence of >2% for both species. The species Astroblepus cf. sp. does not have morphological characteristics shared with any other species of the genus; consequently, it could be a candidate for a new record in the country; nevertheless, it is recommended to conduct the corresponding analyses for its correct taxonomic identification.
Key words: Astroblepus, Astroblepus cf eigenmanni, Morphological characterization, DNA barcoding, Cytochrome oxidase I, Neighbor-joining, Maximum parsimony, Maximum verisimilitude.
Las especies del género se caracterizan por ser buenos nadadores, gracias a su morfología dorsoventralmente comprimida han logrado desplazarse hasta las estribaciones más altas de los Andes. Desempeñan roles importantes en el ecosistema y son organismos sensibles a desequilibrios ambientales, por tal motivo, son catalogados como organismos bioindicadores. Al ser especies que poseen características crípticas varios autores recomiendan realizar caracterización morfológica y genética para una apropiada identificación taxonómica. En la presente investigación se aplicó la técnica ADN barcoding para delimitar las dos especies colectadas: Astroblepus cf eigenmanni y Astroblepus cf. sp. Los resultados arrojaron una divergencia >2% para ambas especies. La especie Astroblepus cf. sp., no posee características morfológicas compartidas con ninguna otra especie del género, por ende, existe la posibilidad de ser candidata a nuevo registro en el país, sin embargo, se recomienda realizar los análisis correspondientes para su correcta identificación taxonómica.
Palabras clave: Astroblepus, Astroblepus cf eigenmanni, Caracterización morfológica, ADN barcoding, Citocromo oxidasa I, Neighbor-joining, Máxima parsimonia, Máxima verosimilitud.
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Reproductive cycle of the light bullhead, Leiocassis nititudus (Pisces: Bagridae)

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Reproductive cycle of the light bullhead, (Pisces: ), Jong-Wook Kim, Cheol-Woo Park, Su-Hyang Yoo & Jae-Goo Kim, Aquaculture Division of the Korean Society of Fisheries Sciences.

Aquaculture Division Conference of the Korean Society of Fisheries Sciences Conference Papers

KOFFST International Conference 2022, October 2022 p445-445
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A new species of Trichomycterus from streams of Serra da Jiboia, Bahia

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Cunha, S.E.Q.D., 2023. A new species of catfish of the genus Trichomycterus Valenciennes 1832 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from the streams of Serra da Jiboia, Bahia. Bachelor's thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
PDF: ... ozUFRN.pdf

Cunha, S.E.Q.D., 2023. Uma nova espécie de bagre do gênero Trichomycterus Valenciennes 1832 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) dos riachos da Serra da Jiboia, Bahia. Tese de bacharelado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
PDF: ... ozUFRN.pdf
The genus , the most specious of the subfamily Trichomycteridae, with 198 species, has a complex and problematic taxonomic history. Recognized as a nonmonophyletic group, only recently these problems have been elucidated. This paper describes in detail a new species of catfish from the Rio da Dona basin, a small coastal basin in the State of Bahia and a tributary of the Jequiriça River basin, northeastern Brazil. It was collected in the Serra da Jibóia, in the Atlantic Forest area, in the riacho da Reserva, in the municipality of Elísio Medrado and in the riacho Serra Pioneira, in Santa Teresinha. Trichomycterus sp. n. 'Jiboia' was compared to the congeners from the Northeast Atlantic Forest ecoregion. Trichomycterus sp. n. 'Jiboia' is distinguished from the other 17 species of the genus from the ecoregion by the combination of the following characteristics: 20-22 opercular odontodes (vs. 12-16 in T. alternatus; 14-18 in T. argos; 11-16 in T. astromycterus; and T. immaculatus; 13–16 in T. brunoi; 13-18 in T. ipatinga; 25-33 in T. tantalus; 14-17 in T. tete and 11-14 in T. vinnulus), and by having eight rays on the dorsal fin (i+7 vs. II+7 in T. alternatus, T. argos, T. brucutu, T. brunoi, T. illuvies, T. ipatinga, T. itacambirussu, T. landinga, T. tantalus and T. vinnulus; II+6, II+7, II+8 or II+9 in T. astromycterus; II-III+6-7 in T. bahianus; II+6 or II+7 in T. barrocus; III+6 or II+7 in T. immaculatus; II+6, II+7 or III+7 in T. jequitinhonhae; II+6 or II+7 in T. melanopygius and 11 in T. tete). It also has a conspicuous process on the anterior margin of the interoperculum (vs. absent) and a well-developed process on the posterior margin of the metapterygoid (vs. absent). These characteristics diagnosis Trichomycterus sp. n. "Jiboia. The Serra da Jibóia represents one of the last remnants of Atlantic Forest in the south of the Recôncavo Baiano and, despite efforts to preserve the Serra, much of its area is privately owned. Currently, the only areas designated for conservation purposes are the Guarirú Private Environmental Protection Reserve and the Jequitibá Reserve, where the species was collected. In short, protection is limited, leaving part of this remnant, which plays the role of an ecological island for various species, vulnerable to anthropic actions.
Key words: Taxonomy; coastal basins; osteology; Northeast Atlantic Forest ecoregion.
O gênero , o mais especioso da subfamilia Trichomycteridae, com 198 espécies, possui uma história taxonômica complexa e problemática, reconhecido por ser um grupo não monofilético, mas recentemente essas problemáticas estão sendo resolvidas. Esse trabalho descreve detalhadamente uma nova espécie endêmica da bacia do Rio da Dona, uma pequena bacia costeira no Estado da Bahia e afluente da bacia do Rio Jequiriça, Nordeste do Brasil. Coletada na Serra da Jibóia, em área de Mata Atlântica, no riacho da Reserva, no município de Elísio Medrado e no riacho Serra Pioneira, em Santa Teresinha. Trichomycterus sp. n. ‘Jiboia’ foi comparado aos congêneres da ecorregião Nordeste da Mata Atlântica. Trichomycterus sp. n. ‘Jiboia’ distingue-se das outras 17 espécies do gênero da ecorregião pela combinação das seguintes características: 20-22 odontódeos operculares (vs. 12-16 em T. alternatus; 14-18 em T. argos; 11-16 em T. astromycterus; e T. immaculatus; 13–16 em T. brunoi; 13-18 em T. ipatinga; 25-33 em T. tantalus; 14-17 em T. tete e 11-14 em T. vinnulus), oito raios na nadadeira dorsal (i+7 vs. II+7 em T. alternatus, T. argos, T. brucutu, T. brunoi, T. illuvies, T. ipatinga, T. itacambirussu, T. landinga, T. tantalus e T. vinnulus; II+6, II+7, II+8 ou II+9 em T. astromycterus; II-III+6-7 em T. bahianus; II+6 ou II+7 em T. barrocus; III+6 ou II+7 em T. immaculatus; II+6, II+7 ou III+7 em T. jequitinhonhae; II+6 ou II+7 em T. melanopygius e 11 em T. tete), além de possuir um conspícuo processo na margem anterior do interoperculo (vs. Ausente) e um processo bem desenvolvido na margem posterior do metapterigoide (vs. Ausente). Tais características diagnosticam Trichomycterus sp. n. “Jiboia. A Serra da Jibóia representa um dos últimos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica no sul do Recôncavo Baiano e, apesar dos esforços voltados à sua preservação, grande parte de sua área está em propriedades privadas. Atualmente, as únicas áreas designadas para fins de conservação são a Reserva Particular de Proteção Ambiental Guarirú e a Reserva Jequitibá, onde a espécie foi coletada. Em síntese, a proteção é limitada, deixando uma parte desse remanescente, que desempenha um papel de ilha ecológica para diversas espécies, vulnerável a ações antrópicas.
Palavras-chave: taxonomia; bacias costeiras; osteol
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