question about clownpleco l104 and l206

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question about clownpleco l104 and l206

Post by thefez510 »

hey guys I'm new here and this is my first post, so I had bought a couple of clown plecos online l104 unfortunately most died and I had one left. Wanting to give my clown a companion in my tank I saw that petsmart was selling some clown pleco however when I brought them home I noticed that they were different from my original clown and figured its the l206. I noticed that they're all getting along no fights since there enough hiding spot I was wondering can l104 and l206 interbreed since they are both clown plecos? thanks in advance.
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Re: question about clownpleco l104 and l206

Post by Acanthicus »


they can, but I expect it unlikely to happen. I wouldn't get rid of any of them now for that reason.

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Re: question about clownpleco l104 and l206

Post by thefez510 »

cool thanks, i appreciate it.
Acanthicus wrote: 09 Dec 2023, 14:32 Hi,

they can, but I expect it unlikely to happen. I wouldn't get rid of any of them now for that reason.

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