l134 in a rimless tank?
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l134 in a rimless tank?
Has anyone kept/bred l134 in a rimless tank? I found a nice rimless tank to move my breeding group to I was wondering if anyone had issues with them constantly jumping.
- bekateen
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Re: l134 in a rimless tank?
I've never had a rimless tank. Is it impossible to have a cover?
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Re: l134 in a rimless tank?
Are you determined to not have a lid? The benefits of having a lid to prevent things falling in, prevent things jumping out, retain heat, and limit evaporation and humidity far outweigh (IMO) the benefits of an open rimless, primarily the look and less light reflection/scatter. So unless aquascaping I don't see why not to have a lid. Google "rimless aquarium lid" and take a look at the clips that they use to hold up a lid, they're pretty sleek.
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Re: l134 in a rimless tank?
How close is the water level to the rim? 2" or so would mean the fishes are very unlikely to exit. There are other factors like how settled they are etc. Generally, plecos don't jump, but environmental factors can make most fish jump.
Or consider non-pleco benthic species like or .
Or consider non-pleco benthic species like or .
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Re: l134 in a rimless tank?
"Can all fishes jump out of an aquarium?"
Yes... Once.
Yes... Once.
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Winston Churchill, My African Journey
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