L264 Sultan

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L264 Sultan

Post by CeeReeOoo »

I have recently taken an interest in L264's and am tempting to purchase 6 of them to start a breeding colony. I located a source that sells wild caught at 5" to 6", and another source with 4" to 4.5" for quite a bit less money. Obviously the 5" to 6" would be more mature, but as them being wild caught, I sense a certain risk of them being slightly older and potentially not as prolific. What do you guys recommend? Should I go with the 4" to 4.5", or the 5" to 6"?
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Re: L264 Sultan

Post by Jools »

In my view 5-6" if you want to breed them faster. Smaller ones would allow you to buy a larger group likely still for less money and let them grow out and pair off.

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Re: L264 Sultan

Post by CeeReeOoo »

Jools wrote: 07 Nov 2023, 18:35 In my view 5-6" if you want to breed them faster. Smaller ones would allow you to buy a larger group likely still for less money and let them grow out and pair off.

Thank you for your input. I was told that their growth rate slow significantly once they reach the 4inch mark. I am leaning toward getting the larger ones, but like you have mention, the higher price would limit the number of plecos I can purchase.
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