Hyhy fish thread.

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Hyhy fish thread.

Post by Hyhy »

Already got the plecos over the last month or two, they are acclimating okay and seems to be eating.

For now I have them in existant tanks but planning on ordering a tank and setup it specifically for the group, who knows in some years maybe I get to write a breeding report even though that seems unlikely :((

The tanks I am thinking about so far are either 120x40x55cm, 130x50x50cm or 90x60x45cm. I am somewhat limited on space and budget but if I get feedback here saying that I would be, much, better off with a larger one I will consider saving for a month or two and make room.

My thinking is that 90x60 is a larger footprint than 120x40 but maybe the extra length would be more useful for making territories, then again I kinda despise "narrow" tanks. The 130x50 is more expensive but leaning towards shelling out for it for now.

The only other fish I wish/plan to put in the tank is a decently sized schoal of rummy nose tetras, maybe 40-50? My understanding is that they come from same river and some ditherfish is always nice in my opinion.

Will likely use this as project thread once the tank arrives but for now I would just like input on which size would okay(I realize thebiggerthebetter, yes I scimmed through Viktor's mastodont project thread before sleeping yesterday ;). .

Any thoughts?
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

Tank is ordered wen't with a 120x50x50(300 litres or 80~ gallon) tank. Should hopefully arrive at the end of this week will post pics then, maybe ill catch some of the plecos before that :)

If tank is smallish longterm I will have to save up for a large one but this will have to do for now.

Taking any tips when it comes to furbishing the tank, considering building up rock piles but might opt for a more simple one with just some boulders+pleco caves not sure yet.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by emanuel »

130x50x50 is ideal, but if you give them enough caves, even 120cm can be enough for a group of 4/6 demantoides.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

Tank arrived, not much to say it's a glass box.

Tried to snag a couple of pics of the L200s in their temporar homes but they didn't really cooperate. Maybe the pictures will show the difference in size between the 2 larger ones and the 2 smaller ones, which is a slight concern for me. Will the smaller ones be happy with the larger ones or should I try to grow them out before combining all in the hopefully permanent tank?

They all like potatoes and herbivore cichlid flakes, yams has not been a huge hit(the smaller ones eat but not the larger ones, atleast I have never seen them eat it), green beans neither of the sizes eat so far. Interested in tips for what else I could try, that said I think they get enough food since bellies of the larger ones looks good, smaller ones came in pretty bad shape but seems to be on the right track.

Tommorow I will try to get tank in it's place, hate assembling these benches etc, and do some attempts at "hardscaping"(limited things to use but we will see).

Have a nice weekend.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

Torrance wrote: 28 May 2023, 17:44 I have same idea. LOL
Well it's a beautiful pleco but kinda regret not going with subviridis since prospect of breeding demantoides seems abit bleak.

Been sick so not had the drive to do much with the tank, will have to happen during the upcoming week instead.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by emanuel »

Hyhy, Hello, in my opinion there is no problem to breed Baryancistrus of different sizes in the same tank. I've never kept demantoides, but I don't think it's any different from other plecos, as long as you always provide the group with enough caves for all sizes of fish and enough food for all.
Having never had demantoides, only H. subviridis, I'm not sure what to say about the food, but it's strange that they don't eat sweet potatoes and green beans, in theory it's a more herbivorous plec than H. subviridis. All my plecos, even the most "carnivorous" ones, go crazy for shelled peas and zucchini, try them. Then I heard that Baryancistrus love cucumbers, try them too, along with brussels sprouts
Finally, to attempt the reproduction, I would bring the group of demantoides to 6, buying two other small ones, in order to have more chances that they are females. The project of reproducing them is interesting and stimulating, since no one has ever succeeded!
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

@emanuel Thanks for the input. They do eat regular potatoes, zucchini, wafers, flakes etc so not that worried. I guess they simply don't recognise certain veggies as food yet, the two smaller ones have come around regarding yams and now eat them, but they do prefer regular potatoes still. I do treat them as herbivores and give little protein/meat.

I will setup the tank by Sunday at the latest but will see when I move the fish over, will use two established sponge filters but might buy a schoal of rummy nose tetras and use as pilot fish for a month or so.

As far as expanding the group? Might add one or two more when my bank account recovers, tank plus stand and the plecos themselves in addition to lights, caves, powerhead and so on sat me back a fair amount.

Or to quote a certain keeper of other cats "I will never financially recover from this".

Saw that you got some advice in your thread and hope they work out.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by emanuel »

Hyhy wrote: 29 May 2023, 09:10 the two smaller ones have come around regarding yams and now eat them, but they do prefer regular potatoes still.
How strange, even my plecos literally devour the sweet potatoes, while they have no enthusiasm for the normal ones, they take a few bites with little conviction, in fact I have stopped offering them altogether.
Hyhy wrote: 29 May 2023, 09:10 I will setup the tank by Sunday at the latest but will see when I move the fish over, will use two established sponge filters but might buy a schoal of rummy nose tetras and use as pilot fish for a month or so.
Good idea, if you have the possibility, I would also wait two months before putting the demantoides, so that the aquarium is really stable with the values, it is never a good idea to add plecos in a freshly started tank, even if you have filter materials "mature"
Hyhy wrote: 29 May 2023, 09:10 As far as expanding the group? Might add one or two more when my bank account recovers
yes yes, there is no rush
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

Thinking some about what I will do for filtration of the tank. Don't really like external filters or sumps due to past experiences. So my thoughts are either just running with 2 larger spongefilters+wavemaker but suspect I would have to change water often to keep it somewhat pleasant to look at.

Other option would be to just cut a filterpad to size(50x50x5 cm,10-15 ppi I guess) and use it as heavy filtration in addition to a spongefilter or two. Downside is of course that I would lose around 10cm of the 120 I have to play with. Maybe ill just reconsider and get a canister filter regardless of what I wan't. Any input?

Think the tank won't be up for a while since I have decided to place it where another tank is currently sitting so project A will be to move that tank(and it's inhabitants) somewhere else. The 2 larger L200s are in it for the moment along with some 50 L397 juveniles and their three moms.
Which brings me to another point and that's about the adult L397s, I consider housing them together with the L200 in the new 120x50x50cm tank but not sure if it would get crowded. I have other alternatives but doing so would free up tank space for another type of pleco down the road and who doesn't wan't that? :)

Will try to post a few more pictures soon, maybe of the tank I am about the move since I have some cool ideas for it.
Anyway enough rambling but never hurts to get thoughts down in writing I suppose.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by emanuel »

Hyhy, For the filter I'm not an expert, but I certainly wouldn't lose 10 cm in the length of the aquarium. Everything but not that solution :-!
I am feeling incredibly comfortable with the Oase biomaster thermo 850 external filter. it is simply fantastic, it has the heater inside the filter, so there is no risk of the plecos getting burned (also aesthetically it is nice not to have the heater in the tank), but above all it has the mechanical part is removable, so you don't absolutely have to open the filter to do maintenance. You practically extract the mechanical part, clean it and put it back, just 5 minutes a week is enough, really fantastic! Watch a tutorial on youtube, so you understand better how it works. For me it was the turning point, moreover it is really performing and efficient.

In my opinion you can keep the group of L200 and L397 in the same tank without problems
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

emanuel wrote: 02 Jun 2023, 09:54 Hyhy, For the filter I'm not an expert, but I certainly wouldn't lose 10 cm in the length of the aquarium. Everything but not that solution :-!
I am feeling incredibly comfortable with the Oase biomaster thermo 850 external filter. it is simply fantastic, it has the heater inside the filter, so there is no risk of the plecos getting burned (also aesthetically it is nice not to have the heater in the tank), but above all it has the mechanical part is removable, so you don't absolutely have to open the filter to do maintenance. You practically extract the mechanical part, clean it and put it back, just 5 minutes a week is enough, really fantastic! Watch a tutorial on youtube, so you understand better how it works. For me it was the turning point, moreover it is really performing and efficient.

In my opinion you can keep the group of L200 and L397 in the same tank without problems
Well I don't really wan't to either but since I had 160 gallons or so on the floor once due to a canister filter I simply get PTSD by having them around, I have tried to have one again but simply not worth the thoughts I get haha. Might be ill give it a try again but if I can avoid it I will, it's just another source of worry for me(renting and living in apartment etc is another) if only I had a basement- of course that would be a fishroom.

Maybe ill go with a corner filter, still sacrifice some space inside tank but not that much and then use a spongefilter or two, will see. Haven't ruled out canister entirely but will go with fluval fx4(or 6) in that case since I can get from friend for rather cheap.

Think id actually prefer a sump to a canister filter if I am leading water out of tank anyway but wouldn't drill the tank and never read about overflow sumps etc, maybe this is the time.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Kirin »

I've owned a pretty good sized individual, the only time I could measure the fish at maximum size was around 15cm SL but later grew I assume a little more. They can throw their weight around but I don't think they do as much as true Baryancistrus.
Visualising footprint either the 90 or 120. Gives you space for plenty of caves, decor and for them to have their arguments once large enough.
Great species and as they fully mature they do look amazing! I do find them a little bit more reclusive at certain times of year but the same with most of that branch of Hypostominae.
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Re: Tank size for group of 4 Baryancistrus Demantoides?

Post by Hyhy »

Kirin wrote: 08 Jun 2023, 21:58 I've owned a pretty good sized individual, the only time I could measure the fish at maximum size was around 15cm SL but later grew I assume a little more. They can throw their weight around but I don't think they do as much as true Baryancistrus.
Visualising footprint either the 90 or 120. Gives you space for plenty of caves, decor and for them to have their arguments once large enough.
Great species and as they fully mature they do look amazing! I do find them a little bit more reclusive at certain times of year but the same with most of that branch of Hypostominae.
Thanks for the input. I will go for 120x50cm footprint, it's on my floor at the moment. Things are not moving fast due to other stuff to do and also due to the fact that I need to move a tank in order to put the tank up where I wan't it and I really don't feel like emptying it :))

Currently the 2 smaller ones are in the 90x60cm footprint tank while the 2 larger ones are in a 100x40cm tank(that's standing in the spot I wan't to place the new tank in).

Think the tank won't be up for another month or so since I have other stuff that needs to happen first and the plecos seems happy, eating well etc, in their current homes so no rush. Still need to figure out filtration aswell, think ill just order a fx5(or fx6 maybe?) but been spending alot lately, the plecos themselves were very expensive aswell as the new tank+stand, so need to wait some.

A couple of pics of the plecos and some rocks I picked this weekend that I plan on using for the scape.
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by Hyhy »

So wen't with a canister filter for the L200 tank even if I have some concerns.

Wen't with a "Aquael Ultramax 2000", watched a few videos deciding between that one and an fx6. In the end everyone saying it's silent and the fact that I have good experinces with Aquael as a brand sealed the deal.

Anyone here who uses one?
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by emanuel »

Hyhy, I don't know Aquael Ultramax 2000, but I watched the tutorial on Youtube and it looks like an excellent filter, especially the fact that it has a mechanical prefilter is a very important aspect for us plecos lovers.
I am very satisfied with my Oase BioMaster Thermo 850, but the one you have chosen seems very similar and equally performing.
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by Hyhy »

emanuel wrote: 16 Jun 2023, 09:17 Hyhy, I don't know Aquael Ultramax 2000, but I watched the tutorial on Youtube and it looks like an excellent filter, especially the fact that it has a mechanical prefilter is a very important aspect for us plecos lovers.
I am very satisfied with my Oase BioMaster Thermo 850, but the one you have chosen seems very similar and equally performing.
Would have preferred the oase but was more expensive with shipping etc. But I truly don't know which is best so ill just hope this one is good aswell.

Yes the prefilter seems like an awesome feature.

Now I just need to sort the other filter media out, considering going for more sponge actually, won't keep the included floss atleast. I do have some bioballs etc at home idk what's best.

Have a nice weekend.
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by emanuel »

Hyhy, I'm a fan of the old fashioned filter, just razor clams at the bottom and large amounts of sponges on top, I find it very effective. Given the great use of vegetable food, which is often present in my tank almost 24 hours a day (and with the Baryancistrus you too will have to do the same), in the pre-filter compartment, together with the sponge, I put a bag of activated charcoal, which change every two weeks. I've only seen improvements since doing this and the water looks really clean. Obviously having to change the activated carbon every two weeks, the only place you can put it is the pre-filter.
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by Hyhy »

Hello! Been a hot minute since I posted, life got in the way and other stuff took priority.

The past week I have been getting back to the tanks. Not much progress on the new tank that will be for the L200s but all four are since 1 month or so ago in the same tank "temporarily"(seems to be rather permanent for now).

The smaller two are growing well, actually much faster than expected. One of the larger ones is abit of an asshole towards just about any fish but especially towards the other adult L200, maybe expected.

Anyhow will hopefully start updating abit here regulary since I have quite a few tanks that will be setup/remade in the upcoming month and also ordered a group of another, smaller, pleco.

I have one slight concern for now and that is if one of my two adults is actually an impostor(ie a subvirids and not a demantoides), I don't see him much but he looks very different from the bully guy to me.

Lastly hope that whoever reads this have had a great summer, will also make sure that I catch up on stuff here.

Some pictures of the L200s.
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Re: Hyhy fish thread.

Post by emanuel »

I can't say for sure, but they all look like B. demantoides to me in the photos.
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