Indian Hemibagrus

All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from Asia.
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Re: Indian Hemibagrus

Post by Shovelnose »

bekateen wrote: 25 Jul 2023, 15:47 It eats well! :))
Definitely, took a little time to get it on Ken's feed and it has really taken to the pellets.

Viktor Jarikov wrote: 26 Jul 2023, 14:35 Wonderful to see a 4 year update! Such a fun, high strung fish in your videos. Hard to believe it is a tank decor by day.
Any and all movement is only during feeding time, tank decor is a very generous compliment. :icon-lol:

A few large snails might help with the algae but I am not sure if this fish will leave snails alone.

Major: Now what's this... stone, stone, stone, (looks down at his hand) and scissors. Now. Scissors cut everything, don't they?
Sergeant: Not stone, sir.
Major: They're very good scissors!!
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