
A historical forum for issues reported in the suggestions and bugs forum that have been subsequently fixed or resolved.
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Post by kvnbyl »

This comes up when trying to look at tanks or fish on the initial page

Fatal error: Uncaught Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "endif" tag. in /home/webcat/ Stack trace: #0 /home/webcat/ Twig\Parser->subparse(NULL, false) #1 /home/webcat/ Twig\Parser->parse(Object(Twig\TokenStream)) #2 /home/webcat/ Twig\Environment->parse(Object(Twig\TokenStream)) #3 /home/webcat/ Twig\Environment->compileSource(Object(Twig\Source)) #4 /home/webcat/ Twig\Environment->loadClass('__TwigTemplate_...', 'my_aquaria.html', NULL) #5 /home/webcat/ Twig\Environment->loadTemplate('my_aquaria.html', NULL) #6 /home/webcat/ in /home/webcat/ on line 20
Posts: 152
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Interests: catfish, especially synos, Rainbowfish, South American cichlids

Re: snafu

Post by kvnbyl »

actually snafu was the wrong term to call the situation and very much incorrect, this site has amazing few bugs, let's just call it temporary error
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Interests: catfish, especially synos, Rainbowfish, South American cichlids

Re: snafu

Post by kvnbyl »

"amazingly" few bugs is where i was going
i'm just going to put my head under a pillow for a few hours before i say something else stupid
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Interests: All things aquatic, Sci-Fi, photography and travel. Oh, and beer.

Re: snafu

Post by Jools »

That's funny - I am happy to think of it a "situation non-typical" etc. :-)

Thank you for reporting I think a change I made yesterday (I'm working on the breeding logs to enable multiple spawning dates to be recorded) caused this. That's what I get for rushing at the end of the time I had.

Fixed now.

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