2 different Cory eggs or same species?

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2 different Cory eggs or same species?

Post by FishKeeper »

I noticed today that I have around 30 Cory eggs in one of my tanks. Some of the, are slightly smaller and brown and the other look very slightly bigger and grey/clearer. I’ve got C126, Cw140 and Weitzmani in the tank. I seen the CW140 Spawn and they produced the larger eggs. I’m just wondering if they look like 2 different types or if the other ones are further developed that I maybe never noticed?
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Re: 2 different Cory eggs or same species?

Post by bekateen »

Hi FishKeeper,

I think I see 3 eggs in your photo. I don't see dramatic differences in diameter, but the color I expect from eggs of different developmental ages (darker are older).

Both the CW140 and the weitzmani are lineage 9 fish. I suppose hybridization is possible, but let's hope not.

Good luck with hatching and growing them out. Let's see what they are.
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Re: 2 different Cory eggs or same species?

Post by FishKeeper »

Hi Eric,

Thanks a lot, I guess time will tell
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