mid level catfish breed

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mid level catfish breed

Post by legacykingdom »

does anyone know of any 15 cm / 6 inch catfish that are mid level catfish.
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Re: mid level catfish breed

Post by bekateen »

. I have , a similar but smaller species. The fish mostly hide, but come out from dusk to dawn and hover midwater.

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Re: mid level catfish breed

Post by Jools »

Several in the genus and also some Plotosids: https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/se ... r_id_url=0

However, most midwater catfishes are either smaller than this or larger. There are not many at this middle size.


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Re: mid level catfish breed

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Apart from the mentioned, the ones that come to my mind are bigger. Lima shovelnose are off bottom to mid water. In our hands half of them grow to 1ft, half to under 2ft full length. With structures and surfaces in the tank, Asian USD catfish Mystus leucophasus and featherfin catfish Synodontis eupterus could be considered, both grow to 1ft or under full length. African USD catfish Synodontis nigriventris does not exceed 4 inch and with structure and plants can be off bottom and mid water.
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