L52 and L168..

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L52 and L168..

Post by Bonobo1 »

L52 and l168... Collected in different areas but still quite similar. L168 is said to have more clear / brighter coloration than L52.. Read some articles suggesting it might be the same fish?
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Re: L52 and L168..

Post by bekateen »

Scientifically, both L168 (formerly known as Dekeyseria brachyura) and L052 (which previously had no scientific name) are considered to be a single species, (and also Dekeyseria pulcher is now considered a synonym of D. picta).

The scientific paper drawing that conclusion suggested that the different color patterns might be age- related. However, when I've talked to hobbyists who have kept both L052 and L168 for a while, they tell me they can always tell them apart, so one doesn't "become" the other.

So could there be two color variants of a single species distributed along a geographic distance? Of course that's possible. On the other hand, the scientists reported that they found both color types in the same regions. Even if that is true, it could also mean that there is enough genetic diversity to create both color forms together, just as not all people in the same home town have exactly the same skin or hair color. And if that's true, then the exporters might be sorting the fish by color when fishermen bring them in, and sell them separately based on appearance, since L168 will sell for a higher price than L052.

The truth is, the subject is not fully resolved, even if the two L numbers are genetically very closely related and are one species (or two).

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