Ecology of Trachelyichthys exilis

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Ecology of Trachelyichthys exilis

Post by bekateen »

FREITAS, T. M. D. S., & ZUANON, J. (2022). Filling gaps in the ecological knowledge on Auchenipteridae catfishes (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes): first data for Trachelyichthys exilis. Acta Amazonica, 52, 158-161. ... t/?lang=en
The feeding habit of is described for the first time, with additional comments on its growth type and size at sexual maturity. We analyzed 42 specimens from the Amanã Reserve (Amazonas state, Brazil) collected with a seine net amidst stands of floating herbaceous vegetation during the dry season of 2002. Stomach contents revealed a predominantly carnivorous habit (tending to piscivorous), an isometric growth type, and size at maturity around 5.5 cm standard length. Based on the biological characteristics of the consumed prey, we presume that T. exilis forage actively during the twilight/night around and among the root tangle of herbaceous vegetation, preying upon nocturnally active animals such as small fishes and aquatic invertebrates, and/or close to the water surface, where diurnally active prey usually rests. Our findings provide essential information to fill knowledge gaps on the natural history of auchenipterid catfishes, especially on trophic ecology.
feeding; maturity; growth pattern; ecology; Amazonia
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Re: Ecology of Trachelyichthys exilis

Post by characinkid »

Thank you for posting this, very interesting reading. I have 6 that Ive been keeping for a few months now and they have settled in nicely.
Interesting that they reference that eat small fish in the wild. I can say that, at least in my tank, they dont! I have a couple guppies in there for dither fish and there are a few guppy fry that have not been touched, despite the fact that they would easily fit! Maybe its because they are well fed, but mine are certainly small fish safe. Throw in some sinking pellets, bloodworms etc and they are all over them!

Anyone have any suggestions how to breed these? Any pointers would be appreciated.
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Re: Ecology of Trachelyichthys exilis

Post by bekateen »

characinkid wrote: 23 Jul 2022, 16:31Anyone have any suggestions how to breed these? Any pointers would be appreciated.
Trachelyichthys exilis spawn : -)
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