Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

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Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

Post by ZoomiesPB »

She is about 6 weeks old and the only survivor. We are stunned because when the eggs were discovered there was no male in the tank, he had died maybe a month before; so we thought they were from a different driftwood catfish. But now she looks like an intermedia, for sure, right??
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Re: Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

Post by fishguy1978 »

Quite possibly. I have 3 T. Intermedia but haven't had any spawns yet. Awesome.
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Re: Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

Post by bekateen »

Sure looks like a baby woodcat to me! Sorry for the loss of the male, but congratulations on finding a fry!

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

Post by ZoomiesPB »

fishguy1978 wrote: 14 Jul 2022, 00:17 Quite possibly. I have 3 T. Intermedia but haven't had any spawns yet. Awesome.
Thanks! We have 3 female adults, two much mature than the other, so maybe one of those was the mum. Maybe dad didn't survive breeding, or something. But, we've luckily picked up a juvenile male, who seems to be doing his own thing in the tank until he gets big!
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Re: Is this a baby tatia intermedia?

Post by ZoomiesPB »

bekateen wrote: 14 Jul 2022, 01:12 Sure looks like a baby woodcat to me! Sorry for the loss of the male, but congratulations on finding a fry!

Cheers, Eric
Yeah, we don't know what happened, but the females are massive compared to what he was. The silver lining, if it is one, is that it's very interesting to see it in real life that they do/can hold the sperm from the male before fertilising/laying the eggs.
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