Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

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Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by yellowcat »

I am now keeping my third specimen of b. villosus. As with my two former one's, this one is also imported from Peru. Interesting is that through research there is little if any evidence that this species is endemic to Peru, even FishBase shows them to exist only in Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana and Brazil. With my fish and other anecdotal reports, suggest otherwise. In a correspondence last year with Dr. Oscar Shibatta, he agrees that further study is needed in the Peruvian Amazon for pseudopimelodidae.
About sexual dimorphism in this species, I found that my two former specimens were male's and my new one is a decidedly a female based upon comparative morphometrics and the absence of genital papillae. I initially guessed that the new fish was female just due to it's basic profile compared to past specimens. Also different is colouration and markings to a less degree as can be seen in the following photos:
This was my first specimen
Big Boy.JPG
My second one
P6242093 2.JPG
Same fish, noting large head compared to girth.

The newest one-nocturnal colouration
Same fish diurnal colour

Interesting is that the original two were almost strictly piscivorous and the new one will feed on a wide variety of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp plus a variety of pellets and likes live nightcrawler worms.
I'm not sure if the sexual differences may apply to other batrochoglanis species such a b. raninus for example, the only other of the genus usually imported.
Having kept the latest one for only one year, 3 months, I already assumed it was close to being an adult as it arrived as being 9" long TL. Since then it is now 9 3/4" TL., so I assume any further growth will be slow and minimal, time will tell. I still have questions as to whether or not my three examples are the exact same species or are more likely, just individual differences or regional adaptations within Peru. In any case, they are so very close to examples I've seen in photos of these fish found in other countries, so I'm inclined to think the species is probably valid until future studies may determine otherwise...
Africa: Claroteidae- P. monkei, 3-P. punctatus, A. occidentalis-Volta, 3-A. biscutatus, 2-N. macrostoma. Mocho.- syno. batensoda, 2-syno. pardalis. South America: Pimelodids-p. blochii, 2-platysilurus mucosus. Pseudopim's- 2-lophiosilurus alexandri, batrochoglanis cf. villosus. Doradidae-anadoras grypus, 2-rhinodoras dorbigny, 2-wertheimeria maculata
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Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by yellowcat »

P1013142 2.jpg
One more photo, this one helped with the sex verification, she helped with choosing to take a nap with the ventral side to the glass, a first! Typical behaviour amongst Lophiosilurus and Batrochoglainis, resting on their side and even upside down, at times..
Africa: Claroteidae- P. monkei, 3-P. punctatus, A. occidentalis-Volta, 3-A. biscutatus, 2-N. macrostoma. Mocho.- syno. batensoda, 2-syno. pardalis. South America: Pimelodids-p. blochii, 2-platysilurus mucosus. Pseudopim's- 2-lophiosilurus alexandri, batrochoglanis cf. villosus. Doradidae-anadoras grypus, 2-rhinodoras dorbigny, 2-wertheimeria maculata
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Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by yellowcat »

20210722_132053~2.jpg (7.4 KiB) Viewed 2787 times
Further proof of b. villosus sp. found in Iquitos Peru collected by Bekateen last year!
Africa: Claroteidae- P. monkei, 3-P. punctatus, A. occidentalis-Volta, 3-A. biscutatus, 2-N. macrostoma. Mocho.- syno. batensoda, 2-syno. pardalis. South America: Pimelodids-p. blochii, 2-platysilurus mucosus. Pseudopim's- 2-lophiosilurus alexandri, batrochoglanis cf. villosus. Doradidae-anadoras grypus, 2-rhinodoras dorbigny, 2-wertheimeria maculata
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Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by bekateen »

Hi @yellowcat,

Thanks for the update. Your fish looks really good. I'll be back in Peru later this summer and I'll see if I can catch more.

FYI, here are maps of all museum specimens of found at and at

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by yellowcat »

Thanks Eric for providing the links to the maps and to the organizations that track the occurrences of species found through collecting samples worldwide. Nice to have more resources to search when investigating the rarer species where data can be so very limited or absent compared to more commonly known and well documented species. Good to see that Iquitos is included with this species but not news to some of us, eh?
Africa: Claroteidae- P. monkei, 3-P. punctatus, A. occidentalis-Volta, 3-A. biscutatus, 2-N. macrostoma. Mocho.- syno. batensoda, 2-syno. pardalis. South America: Pimelodids-p. blochii, 2-platysilurus mucosus. Pseudopim's- 2-lophiosilurus alexandri, batrochoglanis cf. villosus. Doradidae-anadoras grypus, 2-rhinodoras dorbigny, 2-wertheimeria maculata
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Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Thank you, Kirk. This is the quality of posting and depth of work I believe we all mere mortal hobbyists thirst for the most.
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