Species of my albinos corydoras

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Species of my albinos corydoras

Post by kiwidu21 »

I have for 5 years, a small group of albino Corydoras that I breed. I always thought they were Corydoras aeneus albino but could you give me confirmation please?

The corys in question:

https://youtu.be/ShVqplpY4eo[/youtube] https://youtu.be/s-dEYMryRiM[/youtube]
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Re: Species of my albinos corydoras

Post by medaka »

They are the common Albino as you suspected

The other form of 'albino cory' that can be found in our LFS have a longer spine to the dorsal fin and are more blue in hue.
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Re: Species of my albinos corydoras

Post by kiwidu21 »

Thanks for your confirmation.
I preferred to be sure of the species before selling the little ones.
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