WTB Corydoras axelrodi

Items sought in the United States of America and Canada
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WTB Corydoras axelrodi

Post by reed99 »

I recently bought a group of ten of these fish but many did not make the journey and I have lost most to the grim reaper and was wondering where I could get more at a larger size because mine were very small like 3/4 of an inch. This small size and the colder temp is what I think made them die so easily. If there is anyone out there that has them as I am interested in them for breeding so advice is also helpful
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Re: WTB Corydoras axelrodi

Post by characinkid »

Not sure if you have seen but there are some in aquabid right now that are tank bred. ( I have no affiliation with the seller)
Hope that this helps and good luck.
Too Many Tanks... Too Many fish... not enough time!!!
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