Want Flathead Catfish

Items sought in the United States of America and Canada
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Want Flathead Catfish

Post by CarylDDennison »

I want to buy Flathead Catfish? Suggest me some?
Viktor Jarikov
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Re: Want Flathead Catfish

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

In the last 12 years I came across two times of these cats for sale in the USA, both from private individuals, apparently, I assume, harvesting them from the wild. IDK how legal this would be or not. It seems there is no commercial source. If there was one, I'd be on it with you immediately. If you find one, please let us know.
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Re: Want Flathead Catfish

Post by OregonOutdoorsChris »

Like the giant North American native catfish, flathead? The best I can suggest is to look into native fish sellers. One you might try is http://jonahsaquarium.com/index.htm they don't have any listed, instead they seem to regularly sell more 'normal' sized fish like madtoms and bullheads, but if you contact them they might be able to point you in the right direction.

Alternatively you might try contacting the North American Native Fish Association (NANFA).
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