Best gravel for catfish?

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Best gravel for catfish?

Post by Iamfish »

I am looking to change to substrate I use in my current 125 gallon tank as I did not like the sand I had. I was thinking about using some sort of dark colored gravel that wont hurt my catfish or wear down their barbels. What should I look for when deciding what gravel to buy? Does anyone have any recommendations on gravel they have used?
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by bekateen »

I know there are lots of opinions, but I like pool filter sand. It's not dark, but it seems very "natural." Of course, what is natural?
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by Jools »

This stuff is really good and I use it for various "dark mode" tanks. Not sure if you can get it, or an equivalent, in the US.

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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by amiidae »

I suggest JBL Sansibar sand.
You can mix "dark" with "white" or "river" if you find it too dark.
I use "grey" for some of my tanks.
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by Bas Pels »

I use sand from the road builder. I once ordered a cubic meter, and it is still there.

It did contain a lot of clay, but that was in 2004.

What kind of sand you use, in most cases your fish will not mind. Dark is often better than light, if it is just as fine, and fine-ness is important.

The grains should, however, not be sharp. This is easily tested. Taske a bucket, fill it half with water and add a fith of htis volume in sand. Stirr it foir 5 minutes and look at your hand - is is abrased or not. If not, use it.
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by kvnbyl »

CaribSea makes a black gravel that seems to work well for me, might have to order it online, a really well-stocked fish store might carry it too.
also looks really good
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

I used smooth pebbles like 0.5"-1.5", grey, brownish, etc., as well as something called river nuggets, which are not smooth but not sharp either, ~0.5", yellow-brownish. Can't say I noticed any preference from my fish.

Keep in mind that gravel has a lot more free space versus sand and it may be more laborious to maintain, vacuum, it traps a lot more uneaten feed, excrement, and detritus. But I have no experience with sand, so can't compare firsthand.
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by Iamfish »

Thank you for all the responses, I really like the Jbl stuff the most but I have not been able to find it available in the US so I will look into caribsea and the other things.
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

In the first few years I kept fish I was learning constantly. I did not want nor use sand for another dozen years.

My third tank was a high tech, co2 added planted one. I used a small size coated gravel, Estes Bits O Walnut. I do not know if it is still available. This link indicates it is, but you will have to see for yourself if you like it. ... ut-gravel/

Here is is when I set up my 50 gal planted before more than wood, terracing and gravel was in.
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Re: Best gravel for catfish?

Post by rentspel »

amiidae wrote: 07 Jun 2021, 14:16 I suggest JBL Sansibar sand.
You can mix "dark" with "white" or "river" if you find it too dark.
I use "grey" for some of my tanks.
It looks amazing! Thank you for the tip!
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