Two new species : Hypostomus cafuringa & Hypostomus crulsi

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Two new species : Hypostomus cafuringa & Hypostomus crulsi

Post by Horlack »

Two new species of Hypostomus suckermouth armored catfishes (Teleostei: Loricariidae) from Central Brazil

Papers/Magazine : Journal of Fish Biology
Authors : Yan Felipe Figueira Soares,Pedro De Podestà Uchôa de Aquino, Justin C. Bagley, Francisco Langeani, Guarino R. Colli
First published : 06 May 2021

HTML : ... /jfb.14777


We describe two new endemic Hypostomus species from central Brazil, which were previously identified as genetically distinct lineages in a recent genomic study that recommended their testing and potential description based on morphological data. A machine learning classification procedure (random forest) was used to investigate morphological variation and identify putatively diagnostic characters for these candidate species, and revealed that each is morphologically distinct. The new species Hypostomus cafuringa is characterized by small size, dark spots under a light background color, deeper caudal peduncle, and shorter first ray of the pectoral‐fin and base of the dorsal‐fin when compared to congeneric species from the region. is known from the headwaters of the Maranhão River, upper Tocantins River basin, Distrito Federal, Brazil. The second new species, , is characterized as having dark spots under a light background color, absence of plates along the abdomen region, shorter first ray of the pelvic‐fin, shorter first ray of the pectoral‐fin, and smaller body size. Hypostomus crulsi is known from the headwaters of the São Bartolomeu River, upper Paraná River basin, Distrito Federal, Brazil. The rapid conversion of natural habitats for agricultural development and the isolation of protected areas represents a serious threat to the continued existence of these two newly described and endemic species, which warrant conservation assessment.

Keywords : Freshwater fishes, Neotropical region, Siluriformes, taxonomy
Last edited by Horlack on 10 May 2021, 20:36, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Two new species : Hypostomus cafuringa & Hypostomus crulsi

Post by bekateen »

@ Jools or @Acanthicus, does Hypostomus crulsi = ?

I want to confirm before I create the entry for the new species in the CLOG.

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Re: Two new species : Hypostomus cafuringa & Hypostomus crulsi

Post by Jools »

If anyone has a copy of the paper, it would help with the above question.


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Re: Two new species : Hypostomus cafuringa & Hypostomus crulsi

Post by bekateen »

I've got access at school. Will get it later today.

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