Syno polli white zambia: the riddle continues.warning! pix!

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Post by Erwin »

As much I can see on the pictures, I would say S.dhonti comes closest. It's not S.tanganaicae, if we have S.lacustricolus as another chance, but the latter owns longer barbels (maxillary as well as premaxillary barbels). But I really had my doubts, especially when I was looking at the last picture which say "same fish, other tank". It makes such a big difference if you see fish from different angles.

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Post by Dinyar »

In my view, definitely

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Post by jolly_polli »

Thanks a lot guys, I feel better all ready :razz: . Now it seem to be Dhonti, I'm able to keep it in my biggest (2.00m x 0.60m x 0.60m) aquarium and let it grow to her adult size.

Greetz Gijs
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Post by Jools »

sidguppy wrote:Irrevocale proof: this fish is NOT a hybrid!!

the wildcaught parent of all the F1 "polli white Zambia"

Somehow, I missed this minor revelation. Sid, can I use these pictures alongside the ones Gijs sent me of the youngsters?

I was at a meeting yesterday where (fleetingly) the banning of these "hybrids" at catfish auction was discussed - I wish I had read this post before then!

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Post by sidguppy »

you can use the, and it still is no hybrid.

sending you the originls will take some time; right now I'm in Brisbane......
Valar Morghulis
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