Sexing megalechis picta?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Bristlenose 94
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Sexing megalechis picta?

Post by Bristlenose 94 »

Acquired a Megalechis picta not too long ago, it's around 3.5" now. I'm a little confused regarding sexing. I know the males develop large orange pectoral fin spines and have more closely positioned bony plates on the underside, but I cant tell if mine is male or female. The spines appear to be growing orange around the tips and the chest plates are about as close as those on my male Hoplosternum littorale... but I don't think these features are pronounced enough for it to look like a definite male M. picta.

Attached are some pics. Can anyone give me some insight on the sex of this fish?
Also, they just ate, which is why the belly looks so round here.
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Re: Sexing megalechis picta?

Post by Bas Pels »

The plates are not even touching on pic 1, and that would imply a female.

Males have overlapping plates.
cats have whiskers
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Re: Sexing megalechis picta?

Post by Bristlenose 94 »

Bas Pels wrote: 17 Mar 2021, 16:07 The plates are not even touching on pic 1, and that would imply a female.

Males have overlapping plates.
Got it, thanks! I was way off haha.
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