INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Ninabadgurl »

Greetings fellow humans! I just got into the hobby a few months back (specifically last Thanksgiving) and per usual, I got hyperfocused and went hard.

I started out with a 10gal danios tank, turned it into a planted tank, which quickly became a huge nightmare despite prior gardening experience, best efforts and midnight oil-burning research no end. Even up til now, still effin' tweaking light parameters and doses. My only consolation through all my deemed noob strife is that I have kept majority of my water parameters pristine on a daily basis. Twice a day, like clockwork - punch in, punch out.
  • pH: 7~7.2
    NH3: 0
    NO2: 0
    NO3: 5~10

:beams: insert proud smile :d

I tried breeding my danios and that was a blissful disaster, for it worked lol. This happened when I upgraded all during Christmas, 55gal bowfront tank, from HOB included tank kit to Fluval 407, more plants, more fluval equipment (air pump, LED 3.0 aquasky and plant, and just recently their UVC in-line clarifier. Pretty much the works, but modest wise compared to everyone. I mean, I just started and in 2 months time I pretty much spent that same number figure, but just in dollar figures though so at that time this noob felt the works. :YMPARTY:
My caveman logic at that time was - "hey, I now have a 10gal extra tank. What do? Let's do breeding" :-BD :YMPARTY: :-BD

I also tried to stop relying on Pet giants like smart and co, and did local fish stores. I'd like to say "helping your brick and mortar friendly neighborhood" spiel, but the real reason was - I was getting greedy about the plants and looked for other sources on Google HAHAHA :-J

Now, I have driven fro and back LA to Chino, Riverside, Rancho Cucamonga, etc just to go to these shops. But, there is only one huge warehouse of a world store in Ontario, California. I love their plants, love them! May have killed off some at some point but still - love them! Okay fine, definitely killed half. But the discounts they give me?? I mean come on, love them! =)) My 30 neon tetra specimen only planted tank; all fish, substrate, spiderwood and plants was from there. Did I mention I have 30 neon tetras in a planted tank? 8-}

And so, for my latest 55g bowfront I have decided "let's do community!" So I now have congo tetras, pearl gouramis, butterfly loach aka hillstream/reticulated loach, red honey gouramis, one single centerpiece paradise gourami and this one - my bigger but shy-er bottom dweller. The pleco. They told me it was a striped, zebra pleco. It's definitely not. But what is it :-?? Also, what the heck is my gourami?!? When I first got it, it was yellow and a slight orange so when I asked if they had honey gouramis and got shown this I thought so too. But after a few days and getting themselves settled in, they changed colors! They have a brown-y face! Also, when threatened and/or scared their ventral fin changes to bright red!! ~X(

TLDR: what is this sorcery?? ~X(

Striped Zebra Pleco on their store tank sign

(Dwarf?) Red Honey Gourami don't super remember if I read dwarf on their tank sign or my mind is doing jedi tricks due to reading dwarf dwarf dwarf every time I research gouramis or honey gouramis lol
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Re: INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Jools »


I think the pleco is or not sure from the pics - others here better at ID, certainly its a species of . I'm no expert on anabantids, but honey gouramis (and their various ornamental colour forms) change colour with mood and are also sexually dichromatic (google it :-) ). Pretty sure you have honey gouramies and specifically the golden colour form.


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Re: INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Ninabadgurl »

Thanks so much Jools!! Hopefully others will confirm this too. I sorta maaaaybe'd at Mega Clown too but was very dubious of my ascertaining skill or lack thereof.

Wow the dwarf red honey gourami sign is way of the mark of gold honey gourami! This is great clarification thank you very much!
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Re: INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Koi-fantast »

Zebra hypancistrus wormline b/w have me think of L129.
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Re: INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Acanthicus »


Do you have a lateral picture? I tend to say L 333 based on this picture, but the angle might be misleading and it could turn out as L 340 in the end. The fish looks skinny, whatever it is, the eye is sunken, the belly too. Make sure it gets enough food and if possible try to snap a ventral picture to clarify it's health.
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Re: INH: Identification for my new "Zebra Pleco"

Post by Mexnotex »

Definitely not a zebra pleco. I tend to go towards L333, but too young to tell as can be confused with several other species at a young age.
M Ortiz
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