Blue Phantom (L128)

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Blue Phantom (L128)

Post by KirstensFishyFriends »

How long does it take for a blue phantom to mature? What size to they mature at, i know they can get around 7 inches, but i'm not sure if they mature before then. Thank you in advance!!
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Re: Blue Phantom (L128)

Post by Shane »

I have had males develop strong odontode growth at 4.5-5 inches standard length. I would suspect they were 3 or more years in age.
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Re: Blue Phantom (L128)

Post by MarcW »

Similar to Shane's comments, one of my males has recently developed large odentodes, he is ~5 inches TL.

Luckily, as the fish is from one of my spawns I know exactly how old it is, I first saw the large odentodes when the fish was 4 years and 3 months old, which was just a few weeks ago.

In the wild I would assume they can mature quicker than this.
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Re: Blue Phantom (L128)

Post by MarcW »

Just a quick follow up, my F1 male was at the front of the tank earlier, so I managed to get a picture showing the odentode growth on a 4 year and 3 month old fish, when holding a tape measure up to the glass, it measured 4.25 inches SL and 5.5 inches TL, that's approximate as it was a few inches back from the front glass.

Also the picture is flipped which is why it looks like there is a puddle of mercury next to the fish, it's just a trapped air bubble!
F1 male.jpg
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