Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

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Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Proteus »

The LFS has this group in. Which sp under the broad bumblebee cats label are they?
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Proteus »

At first I thought asian bumblebee but they lack that black marking at the end of the tail and have too much orange in the patterning to be one?
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Shane »

Leiocassis, most likely siamensis.
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Proteus »

Thank you Shane! So Asian Bumblebee cat is it then. Just was not sure comparing the tail end marking. To the ones on the photo gallery here. They might be too small for the tail to darken up the bigger they get? Im starting to see one of the specimen has start of black marking at the tail fork ends slightly. TYVM
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Shane wrote: 19 Dec 2020, 16:11 Leiocassis, most likely siamensis.
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Shane »

Tam-a-toe tam-ah-toh Rin-al-doe ;-)

I suspect the dark markings will come when the fish are settled over a substrate.
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Re: Which Bumblebee catfish are they?

Post by Narelle »

The dark marks on the tail are there, just faint. They are visible in that first photo in particular.

It seems they might vary among individuals? Mine has never had as large or bold of marks on his tail as many of the fish in the Cat-E-Log, but it looks like a few fish in the pictures there have them more faintly too. Mine is kept on black substrate but it hasn't ever seemed to make much different in his color. Overall, he has always had a less bold coloration than the very striking individual in the main CLOG photo. He's always been more of a dark brown with lighter yellow-brown marks like these fish, never that bold black and gold contrast.
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