Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

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Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

Post by Suse »

All were sold to me as gold laser, but the group from one LFS have a different tint to the other. Or are they all gold laser and just two different breeding lines?

Group 1 (? Green laser) are the larger ones, in the group on the right below. Also attached a video of the ? Green lasers and a solo photo.

If they are two different types, is that a problem? Would anyone in the North West area swap greens for golds?!

Thanks hugely in advance!
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Re: Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

Post by MChambers »

Look like green to me.
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Re: Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

Post by Suse »

Thank you, that's really helpful.
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Re: Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

Post by Jools »

I think there is a mixture of both - five of each. In the picture with the rummy noses, I can see four gold stripes on the left and one top right with the remainder, grouped together in a near circle, being green.


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Re: Are these green or gold laser corydoras?

Post by Suse »

Thanks Jools - yes, you've exactly identified the ones from the two different groups!

I think I will look to sell the green lasers, as the LFS I got them from isn't the sort to admit they have got something wrong. Much as I like them, I really wanted a school of just one single type and would worry that they would hybridize when they breed, which I understand isn't ideal. I only have one tank so splitting them isn't an option.
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