Any ideas what this fella is? Doesnt quite look like the usual axelrodi?
Thanks in advance!
From the description ("translation" by me):These fellas that we are seeing have a line along the top of their dorsal. In addition, they have markings on the dorsal fin, usually the first few rays. Besides that some of them have a smattering of markings along the lateral line. In some specimens this line goes into the lower part of the caudal fin too.
Additionally one has to say that the b/w photo of a live specimen in the description (by Axelrod) shows a dusky black dorsal spine and first rays.Colouration:
The dorsum betwen Dorsal and adipose fin is black, broad black stripe over the seat of the lateral plates, which extends to the lower rays of the caudal fin. Over and under this stripe some black points in one or two rows on the forebody. The dorsal is on its basis slightly pigmented. The adipose fin of the type has a black spot, which the paratypes lack. The upper and lower rays of the caudal fin are light yellowish-brown, the median are colourless. All other fins colourless.
Live colouration (from a colour picture): The upside of the head chocolate brown, the cheeks lighter; Operculum and preoperculum brownish-yellow; under the black stripe of the body center runs a bright shining stripe.